One Year Older

hello! On Saturday August 18th, I turned a year older. Whooppeeee. Another year closer to 30!

Casey took me to Jack Falstaff in San Francisco for my birthday dinner! It was SOOOO GOOOD! We decided to get the Farmer’s Market Menu- Tomato was the theme. Get ’em while you can!

Followed by Happy Birthday Donuts at Krispy Kreme in Daly City:

oh YUM. Do they not give free donuts out when you go to Krispy Kreme anymore? The past 3 times they didn’t hand me one while in line. I’m just wondering….It’s not like I NEED that extra donut…. My camera ran out of juice when we sat down. Hence-No pictures of the donuts we ate. This is probably a good thing.

  • Sarah

    Oh my God, Krispy Kreme donuts are amazing. I didn’t know they gave out free donuts, I would have definitely put that to use!

    We, fortunately, don’t have one here, but whenever we’re in Tampa we HAVE to go to Krispy Kreme. It isn’t a trip without Hot & Fresh donuts.

  • Tracy

    they are sooo good when they are warm. You don’t even have to chew them!!! They just melt right in your mouth. Fortunately this location is a 25 minute drive from my house…but i pass it EVERY DAY on the way to and from work 🙁 I imagine myself stopping & picking them up. But then i talk myself out of it. It’s an everyday battle 🙂

  • Melisser

    I’ve never been handed a free donut.

    I cannot believe I didn’t know it was your birthday. I SUCK!
    Thursday is your new birthday party! hehe.

  • tracy

    maybe they knew that i couldn’t wait for them to box one up for me. The look of desperation for that warm tasty goodness was written all over my face. And now I’m wondering what I looked like, so I can use it on my repeat visits! Doh!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! You do not suck.

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