My Everyday Life: Week 17

Here’s what this past week looked like:

I had the opportunity to tour Redwood Hill Farm in Sebastopol. I’ll tell you more about it soon!

Look at that goat!

I FINALLY got Cooper to try Cookie Butter! He LOVED IT.

I made cinnamon raisin french toast this week.

When I first made the custard, I put cumin in instead of cinnamon. Fail!

I’m glad I had enough ingredients for a do-over.

Going out to dinner. Dressing a little fancier. It was just burritos though.

I caught this action! Cooper giving Remy kisses. This never happens. Also! Afternoon light in the sitting room.

Asparagus roasting. One of my favorite ways to eat asparagus.

The kind of dinner you want on a crappy day.

Creative business lady meeting.

Cooper planted this flower at school.

Gin+Ginger Ale+Lime= no brainer easy cocktail.

I made a cilantro limeade this week. I can’t wait to share it with you!

I also roasted green beans. I think you’ll love them.

I shook things up and got a veggie roll when we went out to sushi this week. Twas bomb.

I think I’m back in a crumpet phase…I blame Joy being in England all week.

Casey drew the baseball. I wrote COOPER and Cooper did the rest himself. WOW!

I roasted pineapple this week too!



  • shay

    What is cookie butter? It sounds like something I need to have šŸ™‚
    love the goats.

    • Shay

      I just found the cookie butter on an older post…does it taste like sugar cookies? I need to shop at TJ more often!!

      • Tracy

        It’s like the texture of creamy smooth peanut butter but tastes like ginger/graham cracker cookies. It’s WILD.

  • Nicole @ The Dirty Oven

    Just want to say that I can’t wait for the cliantro / limeaide. I have a cliantro problemo!!! Love it with my egg whites and hot sacue for breakfast. I also can’t wait to hear about the goats and your PODCAST with T-Flo (aka the operator) Well, maybe that is just want I call him in my head! Yes, that is right T-Flo…The Operator!

    Looks like you had a great week.

  • Stasha

    those little red shoes are too cute!

  • Rachael

    I love the one of Cooper giving remy kisses – so cute and what a great sunlight shot! also, love your wedges in ‘business lady meeting’. thanks for sharing your week! Can’t wait to hear about the goats. šŸ™‚

  • soblushed

    just to say that I love your blog!! and that goat, oh my god! I love it! and they smell like cheese right? ahah I had some asparagus for lunch…de-li-ci-ous!*

  • Lori @ Think Global, Art Local

    I love that goat, those red shoes,and that afternoon light. Oh,and last week I accidentally put cinnamon in my homefries instead of paprika…breakfast fail.

  • The Diner of Cville

    That dress! Those shoes! Where did you get them. I MUST know! :):):):)

    • Tracy

      Shoes from Payless…years ago! I wish I stocked up! And the dress is from GAP (THIS SEASON!). I love it.

  • Jane M

    I’m not a fan of cumin – AT ALL! Glad you had enough ingredients to start over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just bought TWO bunches of asparagus at the store this afternoon and I can ONLY eat them roasted these days. Asparagus just shout SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you had another awesome week!

  • Lucia

    Love your red shoes and the sitting room light šŸ™‚

  • Colleen

    I’m oh so very intrigued…cookie butter?!

    (also, those red shoes are awesome!)

  • Courtney @ I Am A Mess!

    Your crumpets look yum! Missed the podcast this week!

  • Diana

    Roasted asparagus is one of my favorites!

  • Lisa

    Why do goats always make me smile? That and, of course, the red shoes!!

  • joy the baker

    cooper meets cookie butter.

  • Ashley

    Gin, ginger ale, and lime is easily my favorite go-to adult beverage!

  • Villy @ For the love of Feeding

    The bakes potato is awesome, but your dress… WOW!

  • ashleyj

    Hi Tracy! I’m so excited I just found Biscoff spread (like cookie butter) at my regular grocery store. It is sooo good, and I’m trying to think of a recipe or other way to share it with friends, other than just handing out spoons! It is the crunchy kind. Maybe some kind of cookie sandwich would be good? Or on cupcakes? Just wondering if you had any ideas – thanks! šŸ™‚

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