May 6, 2022


You'll Never Know Unless You Try! I love lists // shutterbean


  1. How the paparazzi were born. 
  2. An astrologer told me I’m a cross between George Carlin & Mother Teresa. 
  3. My ice cream flavor is salted caramel. 
  4. A whole bunch of beaver photos! lol.
  5. Let’s look at old photos together. 
  6. What are the worst bugs to find in your house? 
  7. SF Food Bucket List. I’m so out of touch since COVID. 
  8. Teenagers in the 1950s.
  9. These paintings of Los Angeles hills are so full of color.
  10. Nutritional yeast isn’t just for popcorn.
  11. I loved Weird Al when I was a kid.
  12. How to deal with emotional eating. 
  13. Imagine working at a place for 84 YEARS!
  14. Meditation ideas for people who can’t sit still (me!)
  15. What do productive people do in the morning? 
  16. I love these mosquito-repellent incense sticks. They smell amazing. 
  17. How long do photographs last? 
  18. I’m so excited for Deb’s new book!!! YAY! 
  19. Don’t forget to MOM YOURSELF! 
  20. Exciting news for our plastic consumption! 

For those of us celebrating Mother’s Day without a Mom, I made a MOM YOURSELF  pep talk pack from my Things Mom Used to Say book. 

If you want a high-functioning to-do list for the week, get my Intentions for the Week printable! 

Here’s $40 off Imperfect Produce orders- It helps me with sourcing my food for meal prep. 

Here’s 1 month of premium membership to Skillshare for free! 

  • Delia

    Thanks for another stellar list – I love exploring the links you recommend! Which scent of the mosquito repellent incense do you recommend? They all sounds quite nice.

    Happy weekend and happy mother’s day, Tracy!

    • Tracy

      Thanks, Delia! I love the way Woodland smells! That’s the one we have.

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