June 10, 2007

cupcakes should not taste like pound cake

im a sucker for this comet part for some reason
baking in the sun
vanilla cupcakes with coconut cream cheese frosting
vanilla cupcakes with coconut cream cheese frosting

confession- I’m not really a baker, but i’ve been attempting to bake recently. So far…the results have been mixed. Note to self: DO NOT TRY A NEW RECIPE WHEN YOU WANT TO SURPRISE SOMEONE WITH CUPCAKES FOR THEIR BIRTHDAY (btw i already know this note, i just need to remember to follow it-the picture looked sooo good!)

Martha Stewart’s Coconut cupcakes (JUNE 2007 issue)…… I knew I was in trouble when the cupcakes had to cook 10 minutes more than the recipe called them to. I took them out of the oven and notice that not only were they heavy for their size, but the bottom part of the wrapper was completely seperated from the cupcake. What is that?? It was like those little vanilla cupcakes were wearing extra large, sagging granny pants. The only good part-was the cream cheese frosting. Needless to say, it was a dissappointment. Not only had I recently bought a carrying case for them (thanks melissa!)-but I spent over 2 hours making them. There are 8 out of 20 left in the fridge. Despite their resemblence to pound cake, Casey has been making a dent in “ridding” me of them. Thank god his sweet tooth is large enough NOT to discriminate.

-So why couldnt there have been a DO NOT OVER-BEAT warning on the recipe? How could they not have included how far up I should fill the cupcakes? Isn’t that just rudimentary? Perhaps my baking powder wasn’t fresh?

so many factors… perfect vanilla coconut cupcake recipe…you are out there. I must find you!

anyway- happy bday v-dog. hope it was good!

June 4, 2007

who enjoys mondays?

cheese lunch!
mmmmm cheese
fresh strawberries to finish
my mint is growing!
goodmorning, coffee.  on the back porch
little dandelions

this weekend i:

-celebrated a friend’s 50th birthday (i have blisters from dancing-at least my shoes were super cute!)
-went to signona’s farmers market (my first time since we moved here a year ago!)
-sat on the back deck & had my morning cup of coffee…dreaming of a finished backyard….
-splurged on expensive cheese & sat on the back deck & devoured every bit with the husband
-made cocktails & crafts with neighbors & helped make chinese fried rice
-added mulch to the front yard plants & checked in on my mint in the backyard
-tackled a weeks worth of dishes because one of the pipes broke to our sink 🙁

i’m wishing i didn’t have chores to do. why do weekends slip away so fast?

June 2, 2007

cupcake test #1: Kara’s Cupcakes, san francisco

kara's cupcakes
all our cupcakes!
carrot cake & java cupcake minis
meyer lemony cupcake filled with lemon curd

melisser & i went to Kara’s Cupcakes yesterday in the city. It was the first spot on our journey to find the Bay Area’s best cupcake. What’s in a good cupcake? What makes a good cupcake? What’s the best combo? I’m starting to learn my way through a good buttercream….and trying not to be biased when it comes to Cream Cheese frosting (my favorite). She’ll be writing ’bout our experiences, and I’ll be the one snapping photos and eagerly eating the other half of each cupcake. Next time, I’ll be sure to eat lunch beforehand…as I had a huge sugar headache at 7pm! Bay Area, look out.

    6 cupcake flavors tested:

-sweet vanilla
-chocolate velvet
-kara’s karrot (mini)
-java (mini)
-meyer lemony lemon (filled with lemon curd)
-banana caramel (filled with caramel)

***update*** you can read Melissa’s post here:


May 31, 2007

vanilla bean & lemon cupcakes with lemon vanilla cream cheese frosting!

lemon cream cheese frosting
vanilla bean shows its face

-5 were given to neighbors two doors down
-2 were given to neighbors across the street (i ate one with her!)
-3 were given to people whose computer casey fixed (how’s that for service?)
-2 were eaten by sweet-toothed hubby

May 27, 2007

simple pleasures

roasted tomatoes, originally uploaded by shutterbean.

yes yes… the simple pleasures of a sunday. the sweet smell of roasted tomatoes fills the house. the pit of laundry disappears into dozens of neatly-stacked-fresh-smelling piles. the sound my camera snapping away pictures is muffled by the birds chirping in the backyard mixed with an over-zealous cat who WANTS to be let outside…(only to roll around in the dusty leaves that still sit on the porch). Toes are painted, touch panels are being tested in the living-room-turned lab, coffee is downed, cats are squeezed, and chores are slowly getting taken care of- It’s almost 2:30 and I think what I’ve been putting off since I woke up is NEXT… a shower. Happy Sunday. Happy lazy-ass day.

May 23, 2007

protein shake is the new black

down the drain, originally uploaded by shutterbean.

after watching the show WORK OUT, I was aching to try the protein shake that Jackie Warner recommended for her clients. I thought was totally nasty the first time I had it (i guess i used too much liquid aminos)- but then suddenly i was sitting at my cubicle at work CRAVING it. I’ve made it the past 4 days for breakfast. This is my latest food fad. When am I not in the market for a new food fad?

May 20, 2007

maker faire explodes on my desk

maker faire explodes on my desk, originally uploaded by shutterbean.

today we went to the maker faire! Talk about sensory overload. We were standing in line to get food and someone commented “this place is like burning man for nerds”

so many fun things…so many business cards…so many crafty people and buckets and buckets of inspiration!

i almost bought a checkbook cover that had little birds on it…but decided I should really motivate and make my own. The only question is – how long it will take?

this weekend was filled with gardening (new hydrangeas & a meyer lemon tree), deep kitchen cleaning, cappucino drinking, laundry, cat snuggling, and preparing/eating a vietnamese chicken slaw.

time to watch sopranos!