- What a doctor wishes people knew about the end of life.
- Easter eggs in the latest Stranger Things season.
- Did you know you can rent out the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile for a night??
- Most people who order an Impossible Burger aren’t vegetarian (true for me!)
- Do you know what the most popular dessert is in your state?
- The lion population is on the decline.
- A lot of beaches in the US are pretty polluted.
- We could all learn a lot about budgeting through this Mom.
- Would you stay in this hotel? It’s wild!
- I would definitely stay in this tree house, though.
- Be careful with blue water, people.
- Number 7 is my life.
- A whole bunch of really cool staircases.
- Urban weed awards.
- Scheduling woes of adult friendships
- This kid had a ride of his life at the airport.
- A whole bunch of candid celebrity airport shots from the past.
- Some beautiful photos of San Francisco.
- How to find resilience after losing your mother.
- Why movies from 1999 are the same.
- The 4 worst types of photographers you know.
- How cute are these older couples doing “engagement” photos?

Make some Ginger Brew this weekend to enhance your summer drinks!

Need something to do with the kids this Summer or looking to take classes (art + business) online? Here’s 2 months FREE Premium membership to Skillshare. My creative practice has improved greatly since I started taking classes several years ago! You can see more on @thehandwritingclub