December 28, 2010

Spinach Celery Cucumber Juice


That’s right. Juice is back on my radar.  I’m eating & drinking everything GREEN.

Just look at my last post and you’ll see why.


If I were to name this frothy green juice….


It would probably be something like Mellow Green Machine!

Apparently it’s one of Martha’s favorites which means you should totally try it. It’s what sealed the deal for me.

I bet Gywneth Paltrow would love it. It’s SHOCKINGLY green. Take that, GOOP!

Spinach Celery Cucumber Juice

(adapted from Martha Stewart)

  • 3 cups spinach
  • 1 English cucumber
  • 2 stalks celery
  • squeeze of lime or lemon

Juice the spinach with the celery and cucumber so it all extracts evenly. Add a squeeze of lime or lemon juice at the end for a tang. This drink needs it!

  • joy the baker

    i need a juicer. now.

  • Michelle

    We had a juicer a LONG time ago and it was wicked to clean. Is yours easy to rinse out?

  • Katrina

    I would love this juice! Cool recipe.

  • Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen

    Oh, thank you, thank you! Something clean green and healthy! I really need this right now after the food debacle that is the holiday season.

    • Tracy

      heehee thanks sylvie! I’m such a glutton! I was just checking out your blog- such beautiful photography!! thanks for stopping by.

  • Jessica

    My aunt was telling me the other day that she just got a juicer! I’m totally going to send her to your blog. Juicing 101 sounds like a good start!

  • {weekday reading} Post-Holidaze Edition « FROM SCRATCH club

    […] few years now; Shutterbean has two juice recipes I’m trying this week; Green Energy Shake and Spinach, Celery and Cucumber Juice. Heidi at 101 Cookbooks, has listed a bunch of her healthy One-Pot Meals to ring in the new year. […]

  • Elise

    YES!! I just got a juicer and can’t wait to try this one out. Thank you! Yum!

  • stacy

    tracy- hubs and I are gearing up for our first three day jucie fast. Excited but nervous. We cant afford the juice that you order and have shipped, so we are DIYing it. Question: in you r opinion, about how many ounces of juice should we aim for per “meal”? Im thinking 16 oz? Would a recipe like this equal about that? Since there will be two of us we are going to make ALOT of juice. Im thinking we can make up our batches the night before? Im pretty sure we will lose some of the nutrients that way, but I cant fathom doing it all the morning of for the whole day. Thoughts?
    thanks so much!

    • Tracy

      I think this recipe got me over 1 cup of juice. I think for every “meal” you need 16oz. (at least that’s what BPC did). You’re gonna make a LOT of juice! Good luck!

  • stacy

    Thanks Tracy!

  • Tianna

    @Stacy – my bf and I have started a juice fast as well, though much longer-termed than your plan. We purchased a Breville (http://tinyurl.com/6pdwr85) for our juicing and this thing is AMAZING (though obviously expensive)

    We have been following a diet of at least 72 ounces of juice per day (doing typically three 24oz servings throughout the day). They say more should be consumed if you are taller/bigger in stature. We are consuming ONLY juice. And you are correct, not only should the juice you make be consumed within 24 hours, but the longer it sits after being juiced the more nutrients are being lost. I imagine your juice might be over, but it’s a good thing to do every few months to detox the body, so hopefully this will help!

    We’re on day 5 right now. Mmmmm 😉

  • Daily Ingredient: Cucumber | juicygreenaura

    […] Spinach Celery Cucumber Juice & Grape Cucumber Pear Juice from Shutterbean […]

  • Ruth

    Can there be more juices made with out apples and oranges
    I have an allergy to apples and oranges
    If you have any good ones please email me

  • Sophia Bruntnell

    Thanks. please share another recipe.

  • akash

    Thanks. please share another recipe

  • Mariya

    The way you highlight the recipe of spinach cucumber juice surely leverage enormous health benefits. Definitely I will try this cool recipe out at my place. Eagerly waiting for this kind of helpful recipe.

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