Corners of my home….

guest car

It’s June. It’s raining. I’m stuck indoors dreaming of warm weather, popsicles, stripey umbrellas and sundresses. Instead, I’m reading books, making shopping lists, drinking tea and looking at the little corners of my home with my camera while the boy sleeps. Sun? Please come soon. Please.

hula changes the scenery

slept in

a piece of christine



coffee table

yellow black white

to hang

old polas


crafty fanny


after shower

Go away, rain!

  • cindy

    i love posts like this! i esp. love your polaroid wall, so good. i have a similar post planned, though my new rental is nowhere near as lovely as your place! i hope the weather changes for all of you out on the west coast soon!

  • Michelle

    You have great style. Summer will come. It will. It always does.

  • stef

    you have such a beautiful place …you’ve got skilz!! xo

  • CarrieLovesKeith

    I think your house is very cute, but can I just say that that doll thing is like the CREEPIEST thing I’ve EVER seen?!?!?!?!

  • Katrina

    Beautiful photos! I love finding artistic angels in my own space. It makes it new again šŸ™‚

  • Megan

    Rain, rain – YOU SUCK! Seriously, I’m with you. It gets old FAST.

    I wanted to comment mostly to say how much I love that you have a framed “word.” I love it. I may steal that idea I love it so much. My sister is an artist – I am NOT. So once I told her I was making word art and I drew a frilly design around “word.” Right, ok so you probably didn’t need that story, but now you have it. I’m sorry? Or you’re welcome? You decide.

    Here’s hoping some happy sunshine comes your way soon.

  • Mel@MySunshine

    Hi there! I vowed not to be a lurker here so howdy! I’ll trade you places. It’s going to be 106 today….I love the rainy days when you can curl up and read and not feel guilty about being productive. Those days only come a few times a year ’round these parts.

    Love the blog!

  • Vanessa

    Ok your i love your house decor. The Polaroid wall is AH-MAZ-ING!

  • Cyndi B

    Ok, so who makes the super cute grey polish on your little tootsies??? Please tell.. ;o)

  • Shawna Greenway

    How many different colors are on your bedroom walls? We HAVE to paint our bedroom and I’ve put it off for 8 years now only because it’s brick red and will be a TOTAL pain to cover it up. I really like the dark blue behind your bed but it may be too much for all 4 walls.

    • Tracy

      Oh! All four walls are painted blue. There’s a wall that has two white doors so it breaks up the space. We also have white curtains, a light duvet cover and white trim! It doesn’t feel small at all! The bed frame is what makes the room look small šŸ˜‰ I would say DO IT! It’s such a serene color to have in a bedroom. (This is our guest bedroom btw)

      Get rid of the brick!!! Or you could just paint one wall…we’ve done that in the living room

  • Jessica

    I want to live in your house. Well, not literally because that would be weird. But I totally love your style (most of my stuff is from IKEA!).

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