August 31, 2010

Monkey Bread Minis


I wish alarm clocks had built-in smell alarms. Why haven’t we figured this out yet?! Imagine the possibilities!! You wouldn’t have a problem getting up for a 6am flight if the smell of these cinnamony Monkey Bread Minis assaulted you. Now to think of it…the 13 year old Tracy would have set my brother’s alarm clock to rotten farts at 4am.

OK we NEED to make this happen.

If you are familiar with monkey bread, then you should know that this recipe doesn’t produce a doughy/yeasty pull apart roll. It’s like a hybrid of a cinnamon roll (taste wise) and an old fashion donut (texturally). Yes. DONUT.  The best part is that there’s no yeast stress involved. Yup, yeast stresses me out when I’m not properly caffeinated. There I said it. I think little hands would love dipping dough into butter & cinnamon sugar. When I get over my fears of Cooper’s messy sticky cinnamon fingers on our micro suede couch, I’ll totally do it. For sure!

You’ll enjoy putting every last piece into your mouth hole. I know I did.


August 31, 2010

The end of summer is near….

Over a week ago, we had a few days of extreme heat in the Bay Area. It was in the 90s in San Francisco!

It FINALLY felt like summer. It’s been a weird year here.

To help beat the heat, Cooper, Casey & I shared the last of my Mango Carrot Pineapple Ginger Popsicles.

They held up really well in our freezer! Wow. They were in there for almost 4 months. Not too shabby!

it's 99 degrees here!

Coop calls them “eye keem” —as in ice cream.


Poke poke poke.



eye keem

And…ENJOYING!! I like how he shows concern over the the popsicle drips.


Teetering around with his popsicle while Casey waters the plants.

my boyz

I’m gonna throw this one in because it cracks me up. MIST!!  What a ham.


The end of summer is near…but I am going to enjoy every last drop of it.

Let’s get our fill of berry cobblers & blueberry pies before we enter Fall!

August 26, 2010

Quick Cookin’ with Shutterbean!

Today on Modern Kiddo

You’ll find my Southwestern Pizza recipe!

Please check it out here!

p.s- Isn’t this logo the CUTEST?! It’s the fabulous work of draw! pilgrim!

August 24, 2010

my love for mason jars


If you’ve been on Shutterbean before, you might notice that I like to drink out of mason jars.

My best friend got me hooked when I lived up in Oregon!! There’s just something about the weight & thickness of a jar that makes me like it. I also know that out of a room full of cups, I can easily spot mine. A few of my jars have the ounces labeled on the side! It’s pretty handy when I need to measure out a drink, or account for how many oz. of water I drank! A huge plus when I can put a lid on one and take it on the go!

I think its funny that people find it weird to drink out of jars.  I often get “you’re drinking out of a jar!”  As if I didn’t know….

This little delicate little jar/votive ceramic piece has found it’s home in our living room.

It’s a little birthday gift from a good friend. Isn’t it pretty? I can’t wait to see it lit up with a candle inside!

happy birthday to me!

She knows how much I love mason jars! I wish I could have a dozen of these!

You see what it’s sitting on? The first issue of 3191 quarterly.  It arrived two days ago!

I absolutely adore the work of Stephanie & Mav!

Happy Birthday to me!

August 23, 2010

Scrambled Egg Turnovers


Dearest Organic Free Range Eggs,

I’m sorry I failed you. You totally needed a win; especially with all this bad press about eggs giving people salmonella. This turnover recipe made me think that you needed to be *set* before I tucked you into a pocket of puff pastry and let you slumber in my hot oven. Little did I know that you would turn out overdone! I’m now know that I should have followed the 1 minute the recipe suggested rather than the 3 minutes I insisted on. Would that have meant you would have been super runny on the puff pastry? Hmmm…

Thank god the zucchini, puff pastry & melted cheddar made up for your shortcomings. I heard that my Mom’s green salad was delighted to join you on the plate for lunch! You two make such an excellent couple! I took a picture of you two! I think it turned out pretty nice!

scrambled egg turnovers

I hope that you accept my sincere apology. Maybe next time I’ll include some bacon with the zucchini & cheese mixture? Sound good?

I look forward to seeing you soon! Maybe in tomorrow’s breakfast? You free?

Forever yours,



August 22, 2010

Mushroom Spinach & Asparagus Pasta

spinach mushroom asparagus pasta

Are you a creamed spinach fan? Do you also love mushrooms & pasta? Ever wish you could combine all three? Then you’ll probably love this! The end result is a very creamy pasta that won’t have you slaving for hours in the kitchen. It comes together super quick, and now that I’ve been through it once, I probably don’t need to follow the recipe again! I found some asparagus chilling in my fridge, so I tossed it into the sauce. It added a really yummy crunchy bite to the pasta- and a little more depth.

My only advice is- eat the pasta fast (the sauce starts to thicken up when the heat escapes) and make sure you have someone else to eat it with! No one can be trusted with a pot of this at hand. Maybe you can answer this question for me…All those veggies negate the calories & fat in the creamy sauce, RIGHT?! I thought so!

August 20, 2010

Thank you for the Birthday wishes!!!!

You are all soo sweet and awesome. You helped make my birthday SOOO special. You have no idea!

Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!

Over a week ago, I vowed to eat healthy so I could totally go nuts on my birthday.  If you are gonna go big, you might as well do it on your birthday, right?!  I totally GORGED myself and rembered what it’s like to have my stomach reach it’s maximum capacity! Not pleasant…but totally worth it—especially the dessert part!  Be patient, we will get to that in a second!

I started the day off by SMOTHERING coconut oil on my toast for breakfast (sorry not pictured). I’m like totally IN LOVE with coconut oil lately! It deserves its own post for sure! Look out for that soon!

My dad took me out to a really yummy Seafood lunch@ Swan Oyster Depot in SF for lunch!

We always get there pretty early to get a seat. I love going there with him. It’s really old-timey & fun.

I thought it was funny to see a Keep Calm and Carry On poster on their walls!

I ordered an Anchor Steam & we got a dozen cherrystone clams on the half shell to start with.