May 16, 2010

Blackberry Ginger Sours

tonight's cocktail

I probably shouldn’t drink & blog but I HAFTA tell you that these are SCRUMPTIOUS before I forget!  Imagine me saying the word SCRUMPTIOUS with the biggest slur! I’m totally at the slurring stage. SHUT UP!! Don’t make fun of me. I had a gin & tonic on Friday with my neighbor. Gin…a libation that I’ve hated ever since I started my career in drinking.  I couldn’t turn away a drink that my neighbor mixed, so I drank it and was pleasantly surprised.  The best part about drinking the gin & tonic was how it took the sharp edge off my day. In the past, when I had a sip of gin, all I could taste was pine trees.  Now I realize that it really depends what it’s mixed with! Suddenly I like it and am not reminded of Santa and Christmas. Ho ho ho.

I decided to make us some fancy drinks with gin today! Blackberry Ginger Sours! They aren’t super super sweet. They aren’t super sour. They are a perfect balance of adultness with a little bit of fun. Half way through my first drink, I started to feel wonderfully buzzed. It was like I had a nice fuzzy blanket all around me. Yes, I am talking about my buzz. It was glorious. What a nice way to get to my happy place!  Oh and wow! I forgot how yummy blackberries are. I can’t remember the last time I had one. When I was a kid? I am so glad they are on my radar again.

Ok that’s enough. I don’t think I’m making sense here. Bottom line=You should make this.

May 14, 2010

Pineapple Mango Carrot Ginger Juice

today's juice

That’s a mouthful, huh? I’ve had this mango and pineapple sitting in my kitchen staring me in the face all week. Today was their peak day of ripeness so I rolled up my sleeves and cut them up and juiced. With a few carrots and ginger added to the mix, we have ourselves a little tasty afternoon beverage! It’s definitely thirst quenching on a hot day. With a little kick from the ginger, it’s sweet & spicy! Me likey.

what's in it?

In my juicing research, I’ve seen a few sources discuss how great it is to freeze pineapple & mango pulp. When you juice a mango, you don’t get tons of juice– but you do get a nice mango sludge! Go on, take a taste!  After juicing, I put the pineapple mango pulp into an ice cube tray to freeze. I think it will be fun to throw a few cubes into a smoothie or maybe add a few in some sparkly water later on in the day. Perhaps I’ll bypass the freezing process next time around and stir some directly into my yogurt!


May 13, 2010

Bell Pepper Egg-in-a-hole

top with parmesan

I’ve been running out of breakfast ideas that are quick and healthy so I was delighted to find this little concoction in the latest Everyday Food magazine. It’s a fun to make and it’s a healthy alternative to the egg-in a hole that I love so much. I think a little drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar on top would be delightful…or maybe I’ll top it with some black beans, cilantro and hot sauce! I’ll get on that tomorrow morning. Hope you enjoy it too!


May 12, 2010

Gardening Progress!

For Mother’s Day I got a composter! I’ve been wanting to put all of our organic waste to good use, and now I can!

that's right!

Here’s all the plants I’ve been growing from seed…and their development!

May 10, 2010

Polenta Party!

mother's day polenta party

Yesterday I had a few family members over for a little Polenta Party for Mother’s Day! I doubled the Breakfast Polenta recipe I posted awhile back and made a little bar of toppings!

To all the mothers out there….

Happy Mother’s Day!

happy mother's day!

Hope your day is filled with good food & lots of pampering. You totally deserve it!

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom. She’s one special lady! I love you Mom!


May 8, 2010

Cucumber Watermelon Lime Juice

cucumber watermelon lime

Refreshing!! The key to this juice is the lime you squeeze in at the end. Watermelon and cucumber produce the mellowest of juices so it’s essential to have something tart in the mix. It really helps bring out the sweetness of the watermelon and depth to the cucumber juice. It’s the rug that ties the room together!!

This juice doesn’t resemble the synthetic cucumber-watermelon flavor you might get from a frou-frou lotion or a piece of super sweet bubble gum. It’s the real deal. Light, pure, mellow and totally refreshing when you add a little bit of sparkly water.  It’s something you might find in a ritzy spa. Imagine yourself wearing a cozy bathrobe while sipping on this. Got a mud mask? Put it on! My neighbor and I added a nice amount of rum in our juices last night! Went down like water!

This is going in the summer juicing rotation for sure!

Here is what’s in it!

watermelon cucumber