July 20, 2009

i’m sleepy

cuzzzzzz we had a bizzy weekend!

Friday I went to Ikea and treated myself to a yogurt with kiwis & strawberries at Harmony in San Carlos


kiwi & strawberry at harmony

I love that tart/tangy taste of the yogurt. The fruit adds a nice sweetness. Sometimes I imagine what I would have thought of this as a kid and think “yuck.” I am glad I am an adult with a more refined palate.

We had a nice lunch on Saturday at Armadillo Willie’s in Los Altos. Casey was craving BBQ:

chicken salad

We went to a brunch/garden party in the city.

Cooper got a tattoo there:

We went to Renegade Craft Fair at Fort Mason:


Saw a cute dog with big pink ears:

a cute dog

Reminded myself that I need to make a terrarium:

note to self: make a terrarium

Brought home a lil loot:

a lil case for my cell

I adore this lil case. I bought it for my cellphone! It’s from Eleen.

And was soo stoked to see Ryan Berkeley had his stuff there! His animal portraiture makes me giggle.


We bought portraits of our power animals. Me=Panda. Casey=Raccoon.

Cooper was on sensory overload- but made it through like a champ!

Looking back, we had a great weekend! xoxox

  • Gabrielle

    Harmony is great – you were in my neck of the woods! So bummed I missed Renegade CF. But I’ll be at the Alameda Flea next month – can’t wait!

    • Tracy

      gabrielle- you missed out! it was awesome! go next year- it will prolly be even bigger. And yes I was! Harmony is yummy! The vibrance inside made me happy!

  • amanda

    OH MY WORD! i love coops tattoo! simply amazing.

  • bips

    do you know who makes those pillows in the picture of the terrarium? i think i might need one. now.

  • bips

    oh, i should have known. how lovely! thank you so much! BTW– i have just found your blog and am in heaven. we’re in the process of closing on our first home and bunking with the in-laws until that’s settled, so i can’t wait until i have my own kitchen again. so much inspiration šŸ™‚

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