I know what you’re thinking. You want to say, “That’s a whole lot of stuff in a juice and I’m not really sure how I feel about juicing fennel.” I understand it sounds weird, but you totally need to get over it. I too was skeptical when I first juiced fennel, but somehow it works! In fact, IT TOTALLY WORKS. It adds depth to a juice and makes it snazzy. Plus the apple and the cantaloupe are sweet enough to mellow it out.
Listen up! I really want you to experience my new favorite juice. Just do it. It’s amazing.
Let’s get our JUICE on. Chop up your stuff.
Juice up your stuff. Shove it ALL in.
And here’s where the cantaloupe changes the perfect green color. Side note, I totally thought I was buying a honeydew melon. When I opened it up, it WAS a cantaloupe. Pretty deceptive. Cross breeding is weird.
1.2.3….glasses with ice cubes….waiting to be….
Apple Fennel Melon Juice

Serves 3 (makes about 3 cups)
- 4 stalks celery
- 1 Granny Smith apple, quartered
- 1 head fennel, quartered
- 1-inch piece of ginger
- 1/4 cantaloupe, rinds & seeds removed
Juice the the celery, apple, fennel, ginger and cantaloupe. Serve in two glasses with ice! Enjoy!
***Shutterbean Notes***
-You can leave the skin on the ginger.
-I juiced the fennel stalks. You can too.