Everyday Magic 02
The only way to keep the spirit of magic alive is to SHARE IT. I’ve been practicing capturing magic in My Everyday Life for the past 13 years so I’ve built up quite a collection.
Here’s a reminder to ease into the new year and take a moment to find some magic in the every day- Everyday Magic 02
(here’s the first installment of Everyday Magic 01 )
Here are some magical things!
A grocery shop enhanced by good music.
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Raindrops on a spider web
A sky that changes a whole mood and lights up your home differently.
Having something you always wanted as a kid AS AN ADULT.
(leg warmers)
Finding magic in a sign and seeing your friend’s smile in it.
A photo booth that only costs $1 IN THIS ECONOMY!!!!

Grandpa’s Christmas cactus is still blooming after all these years!
Seeing my dead mother’s look-alike on her birthday after I asked for a sign.
A marquee reminder.
Rainbows on countertops.
Impromptu pit stops that remind you why you live where you live.
Finding a fortune while rotating a rug.
A postcard from Singapore.
A well-worn planner.
An adventure to an ethnic grocery store.
Warmth on a page.
When the light is just right.
Colorful shadows.
Closing rings.
Art date with friends.
Watching the sunlight bounce off a hotel pool.
That peek of light that shows you just how dark black-out curtains can make a room.
Swimming at this time of day.
Happy accidents in long exposures.
A tack that landed like this.
A confetti heart found in your eye shadow.
Reliving your childhood with your child.
Owl spotting.
Envelopes of sparkles.
An organized pen case/ a pen case made for you by a friend.
Notes in pen testing stations.
Photo adventures with friends (=
Finding something from your childhood in a thrift store.
The end of fireworks and how pretty the smoke looks in the fog.
Cats in tiny boxes.
A friend who shares their garden’s bounty with you.
Letting life’s mysteries unfold.
Sending license plate photos back & forth to friends.
Loading the car with donations and dropping them off THE SAME DAY.
The power of propagation and how you can channel ABUNDANCE through it.
When a random gray hair is musical.
Seeing something you made in the wild! MAKE MAGIC!
Camelia litter.
Bubbles. Bubbles are pure magic. I highly recommend getting a bubble bear.
The warmth of the sun on your face.
When life has a sense of humor.

I made a zine! Check it out— Everyday Magic Zine!

You’ve got the magic in you!