I spent all last week home alone (my guys had a baseball tournament!) and during my cooking-for-one adventure, I got hooked on Portobello Mushroom Pizzas. Cooking for one is quite a trip! I would have experimented more with toppings with these pizzas but I made a goal to only grocery shop once last week. #introvertlife
What I have learned about cooking for one AND cooking for others while feeding myself is that
It’s always a battle of
how much energy do I have?
how much am I worth the effort?

Tracy a year ago would have just spent the week eating cereal for dinner while current Tracy knows the importance of nourishment. She knows she’s worth the effort and is happy this “pizza” situation requires very minimal hands-on time and scratches the pizza itch that she so desires! The cleanup was simple too…

Plus there’s a crispy cheese bit involved in the process and no one complained about mushrooms. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES CRISPY CHEESE AND MUSHROOMS IN MY HOUSE!