June 16, 2008

Fresh Cherry Tart

Hope everyone had a fun Father’s Day!

At this point in our kitchen remodel I have no counter tops or sink! I was going to have Father’s Day at my house this year, but quickly realized…WHAT WAS I THINKING? There’s no way I could possibly pull together a dinner without a sink!

In preparation for dinner at my parents, I spent the morning pitting some cherries on my back porch. I got a huge dose Vitamin D in the process….and have to admit it was kinda fun spraying my cutting board off with my garden hose. The power! If only I could put a drain hole in my kitchen floor! Imagine….

from the neighbor

pitting cherries in the back yard

hi cherry

And then I hijacked my mom’s kitchen and started making the cherry tart for dessert:


and tada!

ahhhh schucks

cherry tart

the last bite

OK! First off…it was good! Soooo good. I had two pieces (well, one normal…and a sliver…and my dad did too!) It was a hit! Think: LIGHT + FLUFFY + CHEESECAKE

Fresh Cherry Tart

(Everyday Food Magazine)

– 9 graham crackers (each 2 1/2 by 5 inches)
– 2 tablespoons plus cup sugar
– 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
– 6 ounces bar cream cheese, room temperature
– 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
– 3/4 cup heavy cream
– 1 pound fresh sweet cherries pitted and halved
– 1 tablespoon seedless raspberry jam

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor, pulse graham crackers and 2 tablespoons sugar until finely ground. Add butter, and process until combined. Transfer mixture to a 9-inch tart pan with a removable bottom. Using the base of a dry measuring cup, firmly press mixture into bottom and up sides of pan. Bake until browned, 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool completely on a wire rack.

2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat cream cheese, vanilla, and remaining 1/4 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually add cream, and beat until soft peaks form; spread mixture in cooled crust. Scatter cherries on top.

3. In a small saucepan, combine jam and 1 teaspoon water; heat over low until liquefied, about 2 minutes. Using a pastry brush, dab cherries with glaze. Refrigerate tart at least 30 minutes or, covered, up to 1 day.

And because I’m feeling generous…I’ll show you the rest of the meal I made:

Here’s the spread:

father's day spread

My plate- cowboy rubbed steak, cauliflower puree, roasted peppers & mushroom couscous :

father's day dinner i made

I grilled some mushrooms for my vegan bro:

the vegan component

And here’s the vegan dessert- Dark Chocolate Fondue:

vegan fondue!

And here’s my dad DIGGING into to it:

dad reaches for fruit!  how typical

Happy Father’s Day! I love you Dad!

  • Melisser

    Mmm, cherries! I wish I was there for that vegan fondue, it looks awesome!

  • Patricia Scarpin

    I’m hypnotized by those cherries, Tracy. šŸ™‚

    You are a wonderful cook/baker, so I can only dream of the fabulous food I’ll see here once you have your kitchen ready!

  • grace

    gorgeous cherries, drool-worthy pie, amazing spread, and gloriuos fondue. does that cover everything? i think so–happy father’s day, indeed! šŸ™‚

  • Sally

    The entire spread looks great, but WOW that tart looks absolutely amazing!

  • wootowl

    what a lucky poppa you have… and a lucky bro too. everything looks deeeelish bebe!

  • Val

    So hungry…I want that Cherry Tart : )

  • Tracy

    You all sure know how to make a girl blush! Thanks for you comments. They totally keep me going…especially since I’m in such a rut—not being able to use a kitchen!! But soon! There will be copious posts and my food will be displayed on a nice black quartz countertop! I can’t wait for the day!

    I am currently working on a list of things to tackle in the kitchen this summer. Stay tuned! xoxoxo

  • Robin

    Hey Tracy, would you mind if I posted photos of yours (linking back to you) on my new food-photo blog? I can’t find your email, so writing here. I

  • Tracy

    sure- go ahead. please give credit though!

  • Janie

    OMG. Your meal looks incredible. I’m staring at your pictures all the way from the Philippines and I’m getting hungry! Great job. šŸ™‚

  • Laura

    I had wanted to make this but your recipe has an error – no one else who made this caught the error? It calls for more sugar than is actually used in the directions. My guess is that the rest may go in the cherries but I can’t take any chances as tomorrow is Thanksgiving….

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