My Everyday Life: Week 11

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Today we’re hosting a Wine tasting party. I’ll tell you more about that soon!

We spend a lot of time in the car together.

I had an adventure with my friend Amy this week. We drove around Pt. Reyes.

It was FOGGY.

The words that attract me most.

Picnic on the beach.

Flowers on the side of the road.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful time, Amy!! xo

Gray & Neapolitan.


Breakfast cheese plate with Eat Taste Cook.

I always love looking around San Francisco.

As much as I like living in the woods, it’s always nice to see urban spaces.

This caught my eye.

Broke out my sewing machine this week.

I can’t resist taking pictures in mirrors of Target. Cooper can definitely do without my compulsion.

Blossoms still going strong.

Our tree house tree got its leaves!

Addictive Brussels Sprouts Salad at work ………

My favorite kind of blossoms are the ones with the little dots.


Turning snack time into craft time.

Cooper was SOOO proud of his necklace.

And I’m a proud mama. I’ve got this picture on my screens at work.

Post Costco sky.

Fixing a light.

Contrast in the morning.

More contrast. The mornings here are dark thanks to Daylight Savings.


FOGGY San Francisco.

VIDEO! Working on a video for my blog. I’m excited to show you. It should be fun.

Hope you have beautiful skies where you live!


  • Tempa

    Lovely! Can’t wait to hear more about your wine tasting party! Those crostini… I think I could live off of just crostini. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Yep, I could definitely do that. šŸ™‚

  • jenny

    oh, that field of wildflowers beneath the fog is perfect!

  • Francine

    I wanna hear more about the wine tasting party too! Love the pics of the grey & Neapolitan row homes šŸ™‚

  • Holly Waterfall

    oh my goodness… that photo “mind blown” is really out of this world. How did the clouds know to go in the exact same alignment as the telephone wires? what a great eye you have to have captured this!

  • Jenna

    Wow, short hair looks great! I love your everyday life photos!

  • Danielle

    Another great week! Your photography is really beautiful. I love all the flowers and the picture of you and Cooper in Target is so cute!
    Also, can’t wait to see the video : )

  • Amy

    Our day together was such a highlight of my month. So much love to you, friend. Let’s do it again SOON! xoxoxo

  • Elise

    I’m so jealous that you are already seeing buds and blossoms… It snowed again here outside of Chicago. *Sigh* Loving your weekly post!

  • Stacy

    I’m with Elise. It’s 19 degrees here this morning. Come on already, Spring! I want to see some blossoms like yours and wear shorts and flipflops like Cooper.

  • Becky

    Lol, that picture at Targie with Cooper is the best! Love you guys.

  • Kelly

    Your photos are always amazing! Have a great week

  • Jayne

    Tracy, I’ve noticed one thing. Whenever you post pictures of yourself, it’s always in black and white. Any specific reason for that or was it just by chance? I personally have blemished skin so black and white kinda smoothens out all that and gives an illusion of clearness and also classic contrast. But you have pretty great features and skin. Just wondering. I’m being nosy šŸ™‚

    • Tracy

      Ah! Most of the pictures I have taken of myself have been on my phone. I edit them on my phone with VSCO cam. I just don’t feel like the color looks right from an Iphone- it usually looks just like a regular picture from a phone so I like to tweak it a bit. I also really like contrast, so I go with the black & white. I’ll post a color picture one day.

  • maddy

    Tracy– I love your shoes in the picture of your feet. What are they?

  • marci

    love that photo of the house with the faded “PEACE” on the curbing – so vintage and bohemian – beautiful shot!

  • Danica Evans

    OMG the picture of the boys fixing on something- to use a Joy reference… adorbs!

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