July 16, 2018

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Hello friend!

Hope you’re doing well. This weekend we drove into the city to hang out with my Dad and niece (who is staying with him this summer!). We had dim sum and then hung out on my Dad’s roof with wine. Yesterday we strolled around Sausalito, looked at all the funny names of boats and had lunch. Family time on the weekend is the best. Especially when there are food adventures involved.  Did you have a nice weekend? What makes a good weekend for you? I’d love to hear what your ingredients are that make up a good weekend.

We have a few trips coming up, so I am starting packing lists and daydreaming about adventures.

I also need to figure out where to get my prints done for the paintings I made for #100daysartbeforebreakfast.

Can anyone recommend a good place online?

What about you?

What are you up to this week?

Write down your Intentions for the Week in a journal or on a piece of paper and commit!

Have a great week!

xo – Tracy

Intentions for the Week:

  • laundry (always laundry)
  • manage working from home while Cooper is home
  • send out returns at post office
  • drop off library books
  • post ice cream cake on instagram
  • look out for the August issue of Better Homes & Gardens (I’m in it!!!)
  • straighten up office
  • pick up Birkenstocks at the shoe repair place
  • do some meal prep
  • make kombucha
  • figure out something to do with carrots or make this carrot soup
  • make a cake, post about it
  • work on favorite pen roundup
  • art time with Cooper
  • work on letters to pen pals with Cooper (he has a few!)
  • catch up on social media & computer work
  • work on summer bucket list
  • work through this workbook while I try to eat healthily
  • get my heart rate up/go workout or hike or both (Fitbit is helping)
  • make a packing list
  • drink enough water


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • laundry
  • spend quality time with friends
  • clean up the kitchen from the weekend
  • figure out meals for hangouts this week
  • get work done so I can feel good about hanging out with friends
  • catch up on computer work
  • get haircut
  • post a new recipe
  • edit photos
  • get used to using a windows computer, RIP MAC LAPTOP
  • play some board games with Cooper (we played uno)
  • binge on Handmaid’s Tale at night
  • choose sleep over watching another episode a few times at least (went to bed at 11 one night!)
  • work through this workbook while I try to eat healthily
  • get my heart rate up/go workout or hike or both (Fitbit is helping)
  • work on summer bucket list (went to beach & library!)
  • finish up my #100daysartbeforebreakfast project  (I FINISHED. F YEAH!!)
  • find a sticker for my water bottle
  • spend time daydreaming about vacation/mapping out intentions
  • give myself permission to slow down when I need to
  • ask for help when I need to (it’s working!!!!)
  • make healthier eating choices when possible (I’m trying!!)
  • catch up on bookkeeping
  • DRINK WATER  (drank this shrub with sparkling water all week!)

Mantra for the Week:


A song to pump you up:



  • Leslie

    I just saw your piece in Better Homes & Gardens. It’s GORGEOUS! Beautiful photos & tips. I am definitely going to try out the Chicken-Zucchini Meatball Subs this week.

  • emily (@etmoore)

    i have the intuitive eating book (not the workbook) and joined a couple of Facebook groups too. i’m interested to know what you think of it. for several reasons, i am thinking it’s not a good fit for me, despite my high hopes.

  • Sara

    For printing needs – check out El-Co Labs. They are in New Jersey, so unfortunately not local at all for you. But I’ve been working with them for over a decade and recently turned an amateur photographer friend on to them and he was extremely pleased with his prints.

  • Megan

    Oh exciting!!! I love BH&G, and will especially enjoy seeing someone I “know” on the pages. 🙂

  • Ashley

    Love the Better Homes & Gardens spread. I’m glad they kept your personal touches in the meal prep photos (like your handwriting, recipes, and containers). You look darling, too! Yay!

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