March 5, 2010

Honey Nut Squares


The second I saw Dana’s recent post for Honey Nut Squares, I died.

Honey + Roasted Nuts+ Buttery Crumb Crust= YES PLEASE!!

I just finished cutting up squares and have packed some up for my neighbors.  I seriously need to get them out of my sight.  I’ve eaten three so far and I can hear them calling my name from the kitchen counter.  “Traaaaacy!!  Eat us! We are crunchy and sweet and slightly salty. You know how you love that combo TRACY! We are waaaaaiting! Look at the golden roasted cashew hanging off the edge. Just pull that off Tracy. Take a nibble!”

March 3, 2010

Carrot Celery Tomato Beet Greens Juice

I know what you’re thinking. Juice?? This is juice?? It looks like cola! Well friends, it’s not! It’s the juice that I hold responsible for giving me back my life on Sunday.  I was CRAZY sick on Saturday with a 24 hour flu, followed by a wicked sore throat.  I drank some of this on Sunday morning and felt amazingly recharged.  It could have been the 18 hours of sleep, but I am somewhat convinced it was this drink that helped.  Quick! Someone get sick and make this so we can test it out. OK, please don’t. That would be sad.

Look what’s in it:

veggie medley


March 2, 2010

Check out my guest post!

I’m extremely honored to be a guest poster today at Modern Kiddo!

Today I am discussing how I made my own baby food for Cooper!  They have some really cute links for baby bibs too!
Please check it out here!

February 28, 2010

Herbed-Baked Eggs

served with toast

Our old neighbors brought us some fresh eggs from their chickens Friday night!  Because these eggs are super special, I decided to make a fancy breakfast with them. My mom made us these eggs when Cooper was just a wee baby and I’ve thought about them ever since.  The herbs, cheese and garlic are a wonderful addition to the eggs.  You will delight in spearing the yolk with your toast because the combo creates a whole new dimension of garlic bread!  Oooey gooey garlic bread!


February 24, 2010

Baked Kale Chips

nice and hot!

I am totally jumping on the band wagon here and I really think you should too! Have you been seeing baked kale chips all over the internet like I have? There’s definitely a good reason for the buzz.  I finally made some today and I have to say that kale chips are exceptional!  They are healthy AND crunchy, which equates to a guiltless snack.

Ever had broccoli rabe? Do you like the taste of dried toasted seaweed?  You are in luck!

Totally disgusted? Don’t make them! Go away!

Intrigued? DO IT. Come on! CONTINUE READING

February 20, 2010

Buttermilk Cheddar Biscuits

i get dibbs on this one!

I am not going to get wordy on this post.  Just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Biscuits this good should be illegal.  The addition of cheddar to the dough makes them utterly amazing.

The flavor? All I can say that it reminds me of a Cheez-It crossed with a buttery flaky biscuit.

Tangy, flaky, buttery goodness marbled with shreds of cheddar. Best when served hot!

I can’t wait until you taste the bottom edge.  You will thank me & Ina Garten for bringing this to your attention.

Take a look at the three stars of this recipe!  Buttermilk, sharp cheddar and butter! CONTINUE READING

February 19, 2010

Kiwi Mango Orange Basil Pear Juice

Could we possibly add more fruit to this concoction? My juicer sighs “Please no!”

kiwi orange pear mango basil juice

I have to tell you that the kiwi and the mango are the real stars of this juice.  They are thick, pulpy fruits that create quite a *sludge* in the juicer. What comes from them is not just juice; it’s more like a jammy nectar!  When you add them to the pear and mandarin oranges you get a really thick juice.  A juice that will make you feel like you are in Hawaii.  A juice that is BEGGING for a decorative paper umbrella to accompany it! CONTINUE READING