March 2, 2009

it’s march!

i can't believe it's already march!

I can’t believe it’s March! That means spring is almost here! We’ve been experiencing white/gray skies here mixed with TONS of rain. I can see all the budding leaves ready to pop from the trees soon. It’s so funny how it all happens in a day!

today it's raining. we are staying in.

This past weekend I had a visit from my bff. Soo good Soo good. It was really nice going for a long walk and having girl time. It’s amazing how much of my days are spent doing baby talk…It feels good speaking like a grown up again!

We went to Herbivore in San Francisco (Valencia location). Super Super good.


We got a vegan glazed donut

vegan glazed donut

I ordered Apple, Carrot, Ginger juice

carrot apple ginger juice

I had a char-grilled veggie sandwich with pesto



char-broiled veggie sandwich with pesto on french bread!

Today we are hanging out. Missing woot. Even the cats are beside themselves.

pinot misses woot

It was a very good weekend. Hopefully we will see some bits of sunshine this week. Happy Monday, internet!

February 25, 2009


casey got me some blossoms

It all started with my husband bringing home some cherry blossoms the other night. They make me swoon instantly! Spring is near! I can see it through my kitchen window!

Right now, my head is stuck in spring and my clothing is stuck in winter! What I would give to bury these freezing feet in a warm sandy beach right now!

What I love about spring:
-the bright/fresh colors
-dishes with asparagus
-the blossoms
-the slight chill in the air
-the budding leaves
-Whoppers Easter Egg Candies

In a matter of months I’ll be begging for a cool breeze!

What do you love most about spring?



February 22, 2009

Raisin Scones

your scent is intoxicating!

A small warning…these scones are highly addictive and extremely easy to make. After the batch came out of the oven, I thought “OH CRAP. THIS IS TOO EASY! I was immediately panic stricken…thinking that I might be making these in my sleep and eating all of them before I woke up.

hmmm…so that’s why I was dreaming about scones….

In about 30 minutes I had 10 hot scones sitting in my kitchen cooling. Not a great idea for this carb addict! So utterly good and tempting! I’ll save these for a special occasion….like only on days that end in Y.

butter cubes


puncha puncha

topping with sugars


Super simple. Very VERY very tasty. Buttery…yummy… like a biscuit procreating with a scone. I suppose it would be more scone-like if there was a little more sugar. You decide!

Raisin Scones

(recipe Everyday Food-except with Raisins instead of Currants)

-2 cups All Purpose Flour, spooned & leveled
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-1/4 teaspoon baking soda
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-3 tablespoons sugar
-1/2 cup (1 stick) cold, unsatled butter, cut into small pieces
-3/4 cup raisins
-1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk
-1 large egg, lightly beaten
-1 tablespoon milk

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a bowl stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and 2 tablespoons sugar.

2. With a pastry cutter or two knives, cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in raisins. Make a well in center; add buttermilk and egg, and stir just until combined. (do not overmix)

3. Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface; knead 5 or 6 times. Pat into an 8 inch disk. With a floured 2 1/4 inch round biscuit cutter, cut out rounds. Reroll and cut scraps once.

4. Transfer to baking sheet, about 1 1/2 inches apart. Brush rounds with milk, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake until scones are golden brown, 12 to 15 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.

how casey eats his

Add some butter and honey on top! That’s how we roll!

February 18, 2009

Nigella’s Vietnamese Noodle Salad

vietnamese noodle salad

WHY DID I WAIT SOOO LONG TO MAKE THIS??? Seriously! I am sooo kicking myself that I didn’t make this years ago! It was featured on Nigella’s Show titled-*Feel- Good Food* I wanted to make this noodle salad the first time the episode aired. That was years ago!

We scarfed this down for lunch on Sunday, and then next day I had the last helping with some Sriracha. Talk about spicy Feel-Good Food!

It’s very light and totally healthy. The crunchy snap peas & bean sprouts are perfect with the soft shrimp & rice noodles. The dressing has the perfect amount of acid and bite! YUM!!!

Casey begged me to put this in rotation. Oh I totally will! I’d like to make it once a week at least!

rinsa rinsa

choppa choppa

whiska whiska

tossa tossa

Nigella’s Vietnamese Noodle Salad

(recipe found here)


Vietnamese Dressing:
2 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
2 fresh long red chiles, seeded and finely diced or julienned
2 tablespoons finely minced fresh ginger
4 tablespoons fish sauce (nam pla)
1 lime, juiced
4 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon sesame oil

8 ounces cooked small shrimp
6 ounces glass noodles
4 ounces sugar snap peas
4 ounces bean sprouts
3 scallions, sliced into thin circles
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro leaves, to garnish

To make the Dressing:

Simply mix all the ingredients together. This will keep very well in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator for at least a week.

To make the salad:

Marinate the shrimp in 1/2 cup of the Vietnamese Dressing. While this is going on, soak the noodles in freshly boiled water according to packet instructions. Once re-hydrated, refresh the noodles in
cold water, then drain. Put the sugar snaps and bean sprouts into a colander and pour over freshly boiled water from a kettle. Rinse them with cold water and drain well, just shaking the colander, so they’re not actually wet.

In a large bowl, mix the marinated shrimp with the drained noodles, scallions, sugar snaps, and bean sprouts.
Dress with 2 tablespoons more of the Vietnamese Dressing; add more dressing, to taste, if desired.

Sprinkle over the chopped cilantro and toss everything together well before arranging onto a large plate.

February 17, 2009

Easy Sticky Buns

turned outta the pan

Monday morning I jumped on the opportunity to makes these sweet sticky buns. I had it in my head that I was going to make them sometime this holiday weekend so I seized the opportunity while the boys slept. Much to my surprise the prep was SUPER easy and we had sticky buns in no time.

They are pretty. They make your house smell yummy. What could be better than puff pastry, cinnamon, sugar, pecans & raisins? Maybe someone paying off your mortgage? Yes please!

I saw Ina Garten make these on her new show “Back to Basics” on the Food Network. Instead of making your own dough, you use pre-made puff pastry. Not quite Sandra Lee…much more polished & refined. One word-Divine! Next time though, I might reduce the amount of butter I put in the muffin tins. I mean I LOVE butter, but I’m not ready to face a clogged artery just yet 😉

this is bound to be good!


trimming the edge

into the oven you go

waiting 5 minutes to cool is torture

and now onto my plate for breakfast!

another breakfast with orla

I split this recipe in half to make only 6 sticky buns. 12 would prove too tempting in my house. I kid you not.

Easy Sticky Buns
Recipe Adapted from Ina Garten
(check out the full recipe here)

-1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
-1/3 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed
-1/4 cup pecans, chopped in very large pieces
-1 sheet frozen puff pastry, defrosted

For the filling:
-1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted and cooled
-1/3 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed
-1 1/5 teaspoons ground cinnamon
-1/2 cup golden raisins


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Place a 12-cup standard muffin tin on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper.

Take the stick of butter at room temperature and mix it with 1/3 cup of brown sugar until well combined. Place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in each of the 6 muffin cups. Distribute the pecans evenly among the 6 muffin cups on top of the butter and sugar mixture.

Lightly flour a wooden board or stone surface. Unfold the sheet of puff pastry with the folds going left to right. Brush the whole sheet with the melted butter. Leaving a 1-inch border on the puff pastry, sprinkle sheet with 1/3 cup of the brown sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons of the cinnamon, and 1/2 cup of the raisins. Starting with the end nearest you, roll the pastry up snugly like a jelly roll around the filling, finishing the roll with the seam side down. Trim the ends of the roll about 1/2-inch and discard. Slice the roll in 6 equal pieces, each about 1 1/2 inches wide. Place each piece, spiral side up, in 6 of the muffin cups. Push down to adhere the nuts to the dough.

Bake for about 25 minutes, until the sticky buns are golden to dark brown on top and firm to the touch. Allow to cool for 5 minutes only, invert the buns onto the parchment paper (ease the filling and pecans out onto the buns with a spoon) and cool completely.

February 15, 2009

a happy belated valentine’s day

Hope you all had a sweet Valentine’s day!

the exact reason I bought this plate

I shared the sweetness with my husband’s family with a batch of mini Vanilla Bean cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. mmmmm.

Still on a sugar high….

February 10, 2009

oh vegas!

celebrating chinese new year still

This past weekend we went to Las Vegas for a wedding. It was our first time away from Cooper AND our first time to Las Vegas. (thank you mom!)

Such a wonderful trip. Still tired as a result!

People watching was FANTASTIC and the food we ate was killer. Because Casey and I love eating our way through a city, I made sure book some reservations the second our flights were booked.

Here are some of the places we ate:

*Nobhill (took pictures, but the lack of flash made everything so blah! I am NOT going to be that person who is firing a flash in a dark restaurant all night long. It’s like being on your cellphone…but worse!)

*Bouchon (Thomas Keller held the key to our hangover cure at Brunch on Sunday)

which included…..