June 21, 2009

Pavolovas with Fresh Mixed Berries & Kiwis

Because I’m such a tease…let me show you the dessert I made tonight for Father’s day…..


Pavlovas with mixed berries, kiwis & whipped cream-topped with a raspberry sauce= NOM.

decided to add some green to the mix

Recipe for Raspberry sauce comes from Ina Garten- click here
My mom brought it over. What a treat!!

I made the meringues Saturday afternoon! I’ve recently started liking them- and now that I’ve made these I am smitten.

How the heck can something soo simple be soo dang good?


i hope this works.

I was surprised they worked out! I was a bit terrified that I hadn’t whipped them to the stiff peaks stage. But I guess it worked out! The recipe said to bake them for an hour and a half-but I ended up only needing 40 mins. So make sure you check to see if they are dry to the touch and set! Make sure they don’t brown!

They absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS…..Pillowy clouds of light sweetness. The berries are perfect and the kiwi I added made the tang factor PERFECT. How I wished I made more than 1 for each of us….

digging in!

Mixed Berry Pavlovas

(adapted from Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook)
makes 6

meringue part:
-2 egg whites
-3/4 cup granulated sugar
-1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
-confectioners sugar for dusting

creamy topping:
-2 cups assorted berries (I used blueberries, strawberries & raspberries–with kiwis too!)
-1/2 pint whipping cream
-1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
-2 teaspoons granulated sugar


1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper & set aside. In the heatproof bowl of an electric mixer set over a pan of simmering water, combine egg whites, sugar, and salt. Whisk constantly until sugar has dissolved and egg mixture is warm to the touch. This should take about 2-3 mins. Attach the bowl to the mixer and with the whisk attachment, beat on a medium high setting until you have stiff peaks. This should take between 4-8 mins. Beat in vanilla.

2. Using a large spoon, scoop six fluffy mounds of meringue onto the parchment paper. The mounds should be about 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Using the back of the spoon, form a well in the center of each mound, being careful not to make the center too thin.

3. Dust mounds with confectioner’s sugar. Bake until just dry to the touch but still white in color. They say it takes about an hour and a 1/2–but check half way through! Transfer sheet to a wire rack and let meringes cool completely before easing them off the parchment.

4. Make whipping cream- beat cream with 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and add a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract at the very end. Make sure it’s light & fluffy.

5. Spoon a dollop of the whipped cream on top of the meringues, then top with the mixed berries. I added a bit of the raspberry sauce my mom brought over. Holy yum.


June 21, 2009

checking in

Cooper and I took a lil peak at the veggie garden this morning-while Dada slept in. (Happy Father’s Day!!!)
Can’t believe how much the basil has grown since I took the inception pic!


It is absolutely amazing

love that shine

to see such growth


in such a short period


of time!!

holy shiz! my basil is GROWIING

I hope Cooper loves veggie gardening as much as I do!

Cuz- DAMN! I can’t think of anything better for us to share together. (well–cooking & baking-but that’s expected)

June 15, 2009

Carrot, Orange & Radish Salad

slicing frenzy

Big PROPS to Gabrielle who steered me in the right direction! Tonight, I made this radish salad that she recommended. Two words—OH BOY.

sir mix a lot

Let me start by saying that this salad is BOLD. The citrus kick and the mint!!! Oh lord! It totally cleanses the pallette. In a good way of course…. It’s absolutely refreshing. The flavors are soo interesting- they all go so well together. It’s seriously like a party in your mouth. I decided to grilled some chicken and spoon some on top! I also think it would also be fabulous in a sandwich with grilled steak…or maybe with some grilled fish?

tonight's dinner

MMMM tasty.

sooo refreshing

Carrot, Orange & Radish Salad

(Recipe by Tyler Florence)

-4 carrots
-6 radishes (or 4-inch piece daikon radish)
-1 handful fresh mint leaves
-1 handful fresh cilantro leaves
-2 navel oranges
-1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon sugar
-1/2 lemon, juiced
-1 teaspoon orange flower water
-Kosher salt


Slice carrots and radishes as thinly as possible and add to a large bowl. Add mint and cilantro. Remove the peel and pith from the oranges. Working over a bowl to catch the juice, cut between the membranes to remove the orange segments; add them to the carrots. Squeeze the membrane to extract the rest of the juice and add the cinnamon, sugar, lemon juice, orange flower water, and salt, to taste. Mix to dissolve sugar and salt. Pour over the carrot mixture and gently toss to coat. The salad can be served immediately but allowing it to sit for 1 or 2 hours will help the flavors to blend. Just before serving, taste and adjust seasoning.

June 15, 2009

radish recipes?

just pulled these lil bebes out of the dirt.

first crop of radishes!

hello prettie things!

anyone have any radish recipes? we usually eat them raw around here. Would love to see what else I could do with them……


June 10, 2009


I just noticed I was tagged by Kylie–the adorable chicka of The Baking Bird

what is your current obsession?
-my tomatoes

what is your weirdest obsession?
– I am sort of a celeb gossip fiend. I check out all the trashy sites daily. Sometimes multiple times a day….

what are you wearing today?
-dark jeans, gray scoop neck top, black tank on top- black converse

what’s for dinner?
-I had two soy corn dogs tonight….smothered in mustard. Parenting came first. Hunger-second. It’s the story of my life lately. This explains the lack of food posts…sigh….

what would you eat for your last meal?
-a feast of carbs. Garlic bread….french fries….mashed potatoes….oh! and more garlic bread!

what’s the last thing you bought?
-cheerios, bananas & a sippy cup (all for my Coop)

what are you listening to right now?

-my cat, Pinot snoring behind me.

what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
-rocky road (big plus if there are LOTs of nuts)

what do you think of the person who tagged you?
– I think she is absolutely fabulous! She has a wonderful aesthetic and I am so envious of her gorgeous lips! Plus her owl collection makes me smile BIG.

if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be?

– I would love a very open and airy house on a lake-with lots of land. A place where people would ask me if they could get married there!

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour where would you go?
-to sleepyland

what language do you want to learn?
– I wish I spoke Italian better.

what is your favorite color?
-I love turquoise, purple & apple green

what is one of your favorite daily/weekly rituals?
-making baby food on Sundays for Cooper. I relaxes me. I also love the first sip of coffee in the morning.

if you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
-I’d by that belt & shirt I want at Anthropologie!

Favorite Designer?
-I can’t pinpoint one. Anyone who uses black and white in their collection.

Do you admire anyone’s style?

-I love seeing what Alexandra of Strawberry Lemonade puts together. Soooo colorful & inspiring!

Describe your personal style?
-I love basics. Stripes, black, white, bold graphic patterns, dark denim….paired with converse and some bright colored accessories…or something super sparkly. I am a sucker for anything soft- comfort wins always.

What are you fave films?
-Right now Twilight (haha). I LOVE Wes Anderson movies… I have an affinity for dark humor in film.

What’s your favorite fruit?

-I love bananas & raspberries.

What inspires you?
-the internet…magazines, cookbooks…seeing people making a living doing what they love.

What is on the walls in your bedroom?

-a mirror and a soon- to- be portrait from ashelyg

Your favorite book?
-Currently reading Twilight, The Omnivore’s Dilemma & Mommywood- but I love anything written by Augsten Burroughs or David Sedaris. They take me to my happy place.

Do you collect something?

-plates, dishes, napkins, dish towels, bowls-anything that i would love to have in a photo!

What is one of your pet peeves?

-people who don’t use turn signals!

So I am supposed to pick 8 people to do this…but screw that. It’s late and I can’t think- sooooooo

I tag all of you who have a blog!!!! Send me a link to your entry- I’d love to read about you!

June 8, 2009

day 62

my babies are growing!

It’s been 62 days since I started my tomato & herb garden!! Where does the time go??
There are tons of little green tomatoes ready to ripen on the vines.
So far, I’ve used a LOT of basil and some thyme from my stash. I’ve learned that basil requires A LOT of water- especially in my area.

I’m looking forward to making some recipes that include the Thai basil I’m growing.

So far soooo good. I am super stoked to see the fruits of my labor (pun intended). I find myself just staring at every single leaf, blossom & growing tomato…watching them grow. It’s exciting to see how much they shoot up in one night.

The process has been very rewarding! I can’t wait to dig into those beauties!

May 27, 2009

Dijon Potato Salad

prepare to eat!

So light.
So refreshing.
So crisp.
So tangy.
So easy.
So good.

So that’s all I have to say about it. Adding to my current Summer rotation now.

Turn this….


Into this!


Dijon Potato Salad

(recipe from Everyday Food)

-1 1/2 pounds red new potatoes, scrubbed and halved (quartered if large)
-1 tablespoon white-wine vinegar
-1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
-Coarse salt and ground pepper
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1. Place a steamer basket in a saucepan filled with 1 inch water. Bring to a gentle boil. Add potatoes. Cover, and cook just until tender, 15 to 20 minutes, tossing occasionally.

2. In a serving bowl, combine vinegar and Dijon; season with salt and pepper. Add hot cooked potatoes; toss. Let cool, tossing occasionally.

3. Add oil and parsley to cooled potato mixture. Season with salt and pepper, and toss.