January 13, 2010

Garlic Naan

garlic naan!

I had a horoscope the other day that said something like:

” It’s time to try new things. If you don’t do it now when will you ever?”

So that’s why I tried making garlic naan.  I must get rid of this dough fear I have.   I saw Hannah post her naan loot on flickr the other day and boy was I jeeeeeeeealous.  I wanted a stack of naan in my kitchen!

I think one of the reasons why I am afraid of dough is the timing.  I always have like 5 projects going on at once– in addition to taking care of Cooper and oh my gawd-I have to go back and punch down dough and get all dirty again?  I guess I never time it right…and I don’t really know the right consistencies.  Plus I doubt myself….Is that yeast bubbly enough??! Am I kneading this right?  Oh dough, why aren’t you very forgiving?!


January 11, 2010

Tessy’s Banana Bread

first of many...

So there’s several schools of thought on banana bread.  Some people like it really dense…some people like it with chocolate chips…

Me? Well, I am nut-loaded banana bread person.  I like the amount of bananas to be equal to the amount of nuts. I am a nut. Can’t get enough.

But this recipe doesn’t have nuts!  It has a buttery cinnamon topping, which totally intrigued me.

Could I eat a banana bread that didn’t have nuts and enjoy it?!?


January 10, 2010

Kale, Pear, Lime & Ginger Juice

While sipping on this juice, I am immediately transported to summertime.  My husband has just mowed the lawn and I am standing the sipping on a gingery lemonade.  I have a cute sundress on cuz that’s totally apart of the fantasy.


The kale tastes like fresh-cut lawn and hot DAMN the lime and ginger give it a bright note!  I am immediately alert and ready to face the day.  This juice will awaken your tastebuds!  Look at that color green. It’s INSANE.


January 9, 2010

Breakfast Polenta

For the past few months, we’ve been enjoying breakfast polenta at the Whole Foods breakfast to-go bar.  It’s a nice little routine we have. I go to yoga on Sundays, Casey watches Coop and I pick up some polenta & coffee on my way back home.  It’s thick, creamy and super delicious.  We sit at our kitchen table and devour it slowly while Cooper naps. It ties us over until our late afternoon lunch.  And it’s heaven.

This morning was different. I woke up with the urge to have Breakfast Polenta immediately!  Not even coffee first. NOW.   And since yoga is tomorrow, what excuse do I have to go out and pick some up?  None.

I mentally prepared myself for this polenta adventure to be like risotto– where I had to coax the grains into thickness by stirring it every second….babysitting it….for a long time. But NO!!!  It all came together in a blink of an eye.  It thickened up perfectly.  I was even able to run away to help change a diaper in the process.  Totally glamorous, huh?  If it got too thick, I just added a little more milk.

The only challenging thing is cleaning up the pots & bowls…which are still sitting in the sink.  It’s Saturday, and I’ll get to that later.

This recipe comes from Heidi at 101cookbooks.  It’s a wonderful post!  You should read it!  I like her idea of having a Breakfast Polenta party…and supplying all of the sides!  A big batch, a room full of friends for brunch.  What could be better?  Playing around with sweet & savory toppings sounds pretty fun too!

It all starts with a cup of polenta.

just 1 cup!


January 8, 2010

Citrus Beet Salad

citrus beet salad

Ummm I’ve been going a little overboard on the juicing lately…..

I’ve been stock piling fruits & veggies in my house!

This is what my counter looked like a few days ago-via my cameraphone.

I am totally crazy huh? This doesn’t account for the stuff that’s already in the fridge!

Since I have a surplus of veggies, I decided to make a Citrus Beet Salad for dinner tonight.

I gots to get rid of it somehow!

It’s really refreshing, sweet, tangy & delightful!  The sweetness is balanced by the tartness of the citrus.That red onion and feta give it such a sharp bite!

The best part is that it is SOOO easy.

Wanna see?

January 6, 2010

Cherrywink Cookies


Two months ago I was at my parent’s house discussing our favorite cookies at the dinner table.  My mom told us that Cherrywinks were one of her favorites. 

Cherrywinks?  Say what?? What are Cherrywinks?

Apparently they are the classic cookies her grandmother made when she was younger!  My dad agreed upon their deliciousness. He had his share from her too!  If you could see how they beamed when discussing these cookies…. it was like Christmas morning!  My mom got her Betsy Wetsy doll and my dad got that BB gun he wanted!  The delight in their faces!  The joy! Cookies!

The seed was planted.  I must  find the recipe and make them a batch.

Flash forward!

A month later, my mom handed me the recipe.  She found it from her archives and it looked well loved. Thanks great- grandma for being so organized!  I’m prepared to surprise them!

i ripped the top of the recipe by accident!

The top got damaged in transit.  Don’t kill me mom!

Earlier this week!

My mom’s birthday arrived!  So what better excuse to make her some?

So here they are!

happy birthday, mom!

Happy Birthday, Mom!  I love you! CONTINUE READING

January 2, 2010

Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice

The Juice of the day:

Beets, Pear & Ginger
