FACT: French fries are my kryptonite. The second I see fries piled on a plate, my knees go weak. My hand immediately reaches out for some, and my brain flashes MUST. INHALE. NOW. I black out…and then I find myself next to an empty plate with salty/greasy fingers. I’m always down for french fries.
Knowing how to make your own french fries is like having a loaded gun in the house. It’s dangerous. REALLY REALLY dangerous. You end up “taste testing” a whole bunch and by the time you sit down to eat a “few,” you get a second wind and eat the REST! If you allow yourself to make some, you’ll see what I mean. I made these fries a few weeks ago with grilled cheeseburgers and they were crispy, golden, and dee-lish! We opted for lettuce wraps on our cheeseburgers…only to justify eating more french fries.
Oh BTW! We can cross off #17 Make french fries from scratch- from my 31 comes before 32 list.
And we’re off!
Work on your potatoes! Peel!
More cutting.
Soak them in salted water for at least a half hour.
Drain the potatoes REALLY well or they won’t get crispy!
Get your oil hot & ready. Fry! In batches!
You will want one of these to fish out your fries. It’s called a spider. It looks like a web.
O so we fry the fries TWICE. That’s why they are so awesome.
First round you fry until the fries get pale & limp (gross) On the second fry, they are golden & crispy!
Keep at it…
Plate them up!
Remember….lettuce instead of a bun means….
French Fries

Serves 4 or ummm 2
(recipe adapted slightly from The Joy of Cooking)
- 4 large Russet potatoes, peeled & sliced into strips
- 3 inches of peanut oil (vegetable oil will work)
- kosher salt
Heat oven to 200 F. Place peeled& sliced potatoes in a bowl of cold water and soak for 30 minutes to help remove starch. Pat the potatoes dry and put them in the oven on a cookie sheet for about 5 minutes to remove all of the excess moisture.
When ready, heat deep fryer/ heavy pot with oil to 330F. Drop the potatoes about 1 cup at a time and fry until the spattering ceases, about 2 minutes. Skim out the potatoes with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. They will be pale and limp and easy to crush with your fingertips. Let cool for at least 5 minutes before you start the second frying.
For the second frying, heat the oil to 365F. Fry the potatoes in small batches until they are golden brown. Turn the fries onto paper towels, then add them to a rack over a cookie sheet in the oven to keep warm.