Hello Monday! Another week in the game. How are we going to spend it this week?
Hustling. Focusing. Dreaming. Scheming.
This weekend was filled with photo editing, recipe testing, baseball and an open studio visit with my neighbor. As a result, I have a bunch of stuff swirling around in my brain. There’s a bunch of stuff to get on paper. Emails to write. Stuff to cram in and get done this last month before we have Summer…camps…LIFE. AHHHHH. Ok, Monday. Let’s take a deep breath.
We also have baseball and so many other little moving parts this week. I am so glad I have this Sunday night ritual of getting my head in the right space to tackle the week. Let’s spend a moment making a list! Here are my Intentions for the Week.
Intentions this Week:
- return at Gap
- laundry catch up
- pay post office box renewal/trip to post office
- clean out car (it looks like a closet right now!!)
- clean out fridge
- clean up files on computer- free up some space & backup!
- do a Costco run- maybe use Instacart if I can’t make the trip
- work on my painting practice #100daysartbeforebreakfast
- charge my Fitbit
! (I just bought myself a new charger and called it a day)
- send out orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)
- make a batch of kombucha
- workout/go for a hike with Casey
- clean out baseball bag/refill (I need to do this weekly now)
- keep the kitchen clean- have a no dishes in sink daily challenge
- continue to spring clean the pantry
- work on package for Camden
- post new recipe (it’s a cocktail!)
- eat to NOURISH not to NUMB
- wash out my water bottle
& drink more water
- make more family meals this week
Last Week’s Intentions:
prep for photoshootpaint nailsmake sure I have two eyebrows, not onestraighten up office- continue putting together care package for Camden
write the description for a photo retreat/email itmake a new recipe- keep up on laundry (took me 4 days to complete it)
pick up that clothes pile in my bedroomclean out baseball bag/refillrefill snack bagworkout/go for a hike with Caseydrop off donations at Salvation Armywork on my painting practice #100daysartbeforebreakfastfind the charger for my Fitbitsend out orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)make a batch of kombuchawrite/post April’s Currently post(check it out here!)- get enough rest (could have been better about that)
drink waterspend quality time with my family
Mantra for the Week:
Have a fantastic week! Remember to write out your intentions. It can help you be clear about what you put your energy into! And if you feel like typing it out and holding yourself accountable, leave a comment with your Intentions for the Week!
Much love,