August 9, 2009

i caught the organizing bug!

started off by cleaning out my pantry this weekend.

Here’s what it looked like BEFORE:



August 7, 2009

Jicama & Orange Salad

jicama salad

My neighbor makes this and it is EXCEPTIONAL! I improvised this afternoon and it turned out pretty good.

Jicama & Orange Salad

-1 large jicama- the size of a cantaloupe (peeled & chopped up into cubes)
-5 clementine oranges (3 for the salad and 2 for the dressing)
-handful of chopped cilantro
-juice of 1 lime
-3/4 teaspoon chili powder
-salt to taste

Mix it all up and devour. It’s very crunchy and the sweet spicy salty balance is the BOMB. I have the aftertaste in my mouth right now and it is delightful. I plan on serving it with some grilled chicken tonight!

***You could use regular oranges, I just didn’t have any! Because these clementines were soo small, I didn’t bother cutting them into segments. It tasted just fine!***

August 6, 2009

tonight’s loot

pulled from the garden

When I set up my tomato garden, I had visions of drowning this site with tomato porn….I had soo many recipes to test!

Reality set in and I caught myself snacking out in the garden more than bringing them in the kitchen to use in recipes. Tonight was a bit different though! I took a break from snacking for a few days and had this loot tonight!

topping on pizza

And because I needed to make something quick and simple, I made little pizzas (with Trader Joe’s Flatbreads)

ding ding ding ding!

The results? AMAZING.

I have never experienced that much sweetness from a tomato. The roasting of the tomatoes on that gooey mozzarella really brought out their natural sugar.

tomato aftermath

There’s nothing better than cutting up tomatoes from your own garden!

Oh the visions I have for NEXT summer. I might just go a little overboard….

August 5, 2009

keep calm, carry on

Today was one of those mornings…where Coop woke ready to go before the sun came up.

he woke up sooo early

in my head I’m screaming “MORE SLEEP MORE SLEEP

but then I look at my 10 month old (YES! 10 MONTHS) and I see him ready to face the day.

He’s got a zest for life and it reminds me…

These moments are fleeting and I should relax and enjoy a sunrise with my boy.

We wake up and eat breakfast together and prepare for the day. His cuteness is worth every second of sleep I lose.

Just get me another cup of coffee please!

August 1, 2009

Grilled Lemon Chicken with Tabbouleh

dinner tonight

I’ve been holding onto the summer issue from Everyday Food for awhile now….I have A LOT of the recipes marked but haven’t gotten around to making anything UNTIL tonight. This is one of those recipes that required very little and fortunately I had all of the ingredients! Boy do I love when that happens.

tomato pluckage

I even got to use some of my tomato harvest from today too!

This meal was very very tasty. Casey and I agreed that we could have easily eaten EVERYTHING on the table. Everything is so light and refreshing that it takes awhile to feel full. Which I guess is a dangerous thing… But it’s all pretty healthy so why feel guilty?

summer summer summer eatin

I paired the chicken & tabbouleh with some grilled Lavash bread & some feta. They were excellent pairings!

I like to put a bit of every ingredient on a piece of the lavash bread and gobble it up!

a perfect bite

I think you’ll like making this too. It’s super simple and very good for you!

Grilled Chicken with Tabbouleh


– 1/2 cup bulgur
– Coarse salt and ground pepper
– 1 1/2 cups chopped fresh parsley
– 1/2 English cucumber, halved, seeded, and chopped
– 1 large tomato, chopped
– 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
– 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for grill
– 1 small garlic clove, minced
– 8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (about 2 pounds total)


1. Heat grill to high. In a small saucepan, bring 3/4 cup water to a simmer. Add bulgur, season with salt and pepper, and cook 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand 10 minutes; fluff bulgur with a fork. In a medium bowl, combine bulgur, parsley, cucumber, tomato, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon oil; toss tabbouleh to combine.

2. In a small bowl, stir together 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and garlic; season with salt and pepper. Clean and lightly oil hot grates. Season chicken with salt and pepper; grill until cooked through, about 4 minutes per side. Brush chicken with lemon mixture and serve with tabbouleh.

August 1, 2009

Raspberry Peach Pie

polka dot pie

The other morning I was perusing my daily blog reads and saw this post by the wonderful Amanda over at Slow Like Honey. Look at that picture and tell me you that you DON’T want to make pie RIGHT NOW.

Didn’t help that I was secretly checking back AGAIN at a pics of this little beauty…a Blueberry Crostata made by L.M over at Bake & Shake. Have you ever seen anything soo perfect? Guaranteed no leftovers.

L.M. is always trying to coax me into trying the Pate Brisee recipe from Martha and I DID IT.

Are you proud L????!! Oh honey!! I can see why this is your go-to recipe!

forming a disc

EEEK! I have two pie discs! I never thought that would happen!

two pie discs- a beautiful thing!

So the next thing you know, I’m whipping out my food processor whipping up some dough and making a filling. I hadn’t even finished my cup of coffee and my kitchen is buzzing.

cutting out lil dots

Before I make it sound all easy, let me give you some background on my pie *situation*

I’ve had “MAKE A PIE” on my TO DO list FOREVER. I helped a friend make a quiche like 10 years ago and I over mixed the dough and was soo letdown that I convinced myself never to make pie again. I vowed that I would just eat them…and sometimes share.

filling with filling

Over the past few years I’ve watched about 30 different segments of Martha Stewart where she’s making pie crust so I felt a little more confident tackling this endeavor. She makes it look sooo easy and if you have a food processor it pretty much is!

now applying an egg wash

And friends, this recipe did not fail. I am picky on my pie crust. I like it flaky and buttery. Actually I just really like a LOT of it. If I could make a pie that was FILLED WITH PIE CRUST I totally would. It is the reason for living. It is also the reason why diets were invented.

making the filling

As for the filling…well I improvised. I knew that it needed some type of thickener so I added:

– about 1/4 cup of flour
– and stirred that with 3 cups of raspberries & about 5 large peaches (peeled & sliced)
– 1/4 cup of sugar (but I probably should have added a bit more because the raspberries were super tart)

….but hey add a little ice cream and who knows the difference.

In retrospect, I should have added more fruits, but hey- I didn’t prepare for this so now I know what I am up against next time.

Now you see it….

don't mind if i do...

Now you don’t….

the last bite

So folks, I cannot offer you an exact/full proof pie filling recipe (there are tons out there on the internet). But I CAN share with you (if it’s ok to) theeeee most amazing recipe for pie crust.

Pate Brisee
(Martha Stewart Baking)
2 1/2 cups AP flour
2 sticks (1 cup) frozen unsalted butter, diced/cubed
1/4 to 1/2 cup ice water
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt


1. In the bowl of a food processor, combine flour, salt, and sugar. Add butter, and process until the mixture resembles coarse meal, 8 to 10 seconds.

2. With machine running, add ice water in a slow, steady stream through feed tube. Pulse until dough holds together without being wet or sticky; be careful not to process more than 30 seconds. To test, squeeze a small amount together: If it is crumbly, add more ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time.

3. Divide dough into two equal balls. Flatten each ball into a disc and wrap in plastic. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill at least 1 hour. Dough may be stored, frozen, up to 1 month.

Amanda is right!!! You will feel like someone on Little House on the Prairie when you make a pie!

Having a freshly baked pie sitting on the counter is a good thing. Thanks Martha!

why YES! that IS a pie on my kitchen counter!

July 29, 2009

summer lovin’

last night’s dinner:


I am very proud to say that I grew EVERY tomato in that lil bowl up there!

a greek like dinner

I made a little Greek inspired salad with:

-white corn
-salt & pepper
-olive oil
-red wine vinegar

Served that with some grilled chicken sausage & some grilled lavash bread. Now we’re talkin’!!

Cooper joined us on the patio. I think he likes eating outside too. It’s dinners like this that reassure me that I can be a mom AND make a really good dinner. Just don’t look in my kitchen. It’s a disaster.

I think he enjoys eating dinner with us…but he’s always trying to get his hands on things he can’t yet eat.

This sounds like someone familiar….