You should NOT make this recipe IF you:
-are on a diet
-don’t love a moist cake
-aren’t a HUGE fan of crumble topping
-don’t enjoy toasted pecans
-can’t stand cinnamon
-can’t be trusted with an entire pan of coffee cake
I wish I had a warning like this this before I made this cake. I ate more of it that I had planned to! And to think that I thought portioning some for the neighbors would have been a enough! Little did I know that I couldn’t be trusted with ANY of this cake. One piece was a gateway drug. Suddenly I found myself standing in the kitchen with a spoon scooping out cake like it was going out of style. I totally caught Casey doing the same thing. I really couldn’t get enough and my stomach never signaled my brain to say it was full! Damn stomach! How dare you! Coffee cake is seriously the best excuse to have cake for breakfast. Agreed?