5 days ago Cooper hit the 18 month mark!!
For those of you who don’t speak in the “months” language, I’m sorry! He’s a year and a half! I remember laughing at people who said their kid’s age in months. I thought it was quite irritating in fact! My brother totally makes fun of me. “Why can’t you just say a year and a half?” Now as a parent, I know there’s a huge difference between months. This is Cooper at 16 months. He has changed soo much!
Dozens of other moms have told me that this age is the best stage and currently I agree 100%. I feel like I now have a little buddy instead of a little baby. He actually listens and helps; which makes a gigantic difference! Don’t get me wrong-I do miss my little baby! But with this kid weighing almost 30lbs, it’s so nice to be able to hold his hand while walking down the street instead of carrying him!