October 25, 2007

dear oregon,

please don’t rain on me (too much) while i visit you.  i’ll be forever grateful.

much love,


October 23, 2007

ain’t that the truth:

street lamp meets plane


We were watching the movie Weather Man for the second time last night. For all you haters, it’s much better the second time around. We love that dry humor/comedy in my household. We LIVE for it.

Michael Caine’s character says this to his son, played by Nicholas Cage:

“The harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing. Nothing that has meaning is easy. Easy doesn’t factor into grown-up life.”

Ain’t that the truth!

October 21, 2007


trader joe's makes pumpkin butter, try it! take a peak at my bread i love you, dear sourdough bread toast with butter & pumpkin butter my husband is a blue hanger my side of the bed you're supposed to be filled with fresh veggies! what i look at while cleaning dishes new shoes rogue leaf sometimes my mess is better than my painting hello paint, i've missed you up close- meatball sub i could eat fries all day long goat cheese fondue with fresh tomatoes park chow menu- food/drink new pins (the right two) from craft mafia fabric scraps from craft mafia i had to have you. sprout studio! so exciting to meet you! chez panisse! october 20, 2007 i made some pom-poms for craft room

this weekend was filled with:

-pumpkin butter & toast (oh yes, it’s that time of year)

-craft mafia with the girls & a yummy comforting lunch at Park Chow in SF (fun & yum!)

– eating at chez panisse with the family (excellent! pictures need to be uploaded still)

-relaxing time at home with the hubby (briefly)

-checking cellphone for Red Sox updates/watching my hubby go nuts! YAY RED SOX! Good Luck Wednesday!

-making pom-poms for craft room (thanks martha stewart!)

-finishing a painting for my friend (can’t wait to see her this week)

-making broccoli-lemon soup (recipe posted tomorrow perhaps?)

more soon! time to watch dexter!

October 18, 2007

one of those days

Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was dragging ass for the most of the morning. At work I just couldn’t get my excel spreadsheet to work right…In the midst of figuring it out I had like 20 more things to fix/do. I called one my favorite people in the world to vent and she reminded me that I should write 3 good things down a day in my journal. Today this goes in my written journal- and online. It’s a reminder to remember that there can be good parts of the day among all the crappy parts.

So here goes….three good things that happened today:

1. the Red Sox won tonight (woot!)

2. i had a good workout at the gym that went by faster than I anticipated
3. my neighbor brought casey & i home caramel apples:

caramel apple


mmmmmm goey with rice krispies on bottom


im pacing myself with you, caramel apple

4. (just cuz i’m on a roll) I’m happy for my new flash & my new keyboard. Yay technology.

October 15, 2007

Curry Zucchini Soup

curry zucchini soup

Curry Zucchini soup is the perfect fall/winter soup. My mom always makes it special on Christmas Eve. We look forward to it year after year. In the soup pictured above, I used whole milk instead of Half & Half. It tastes just fine that way. Serve with some crusty/cheesy bread or top with some bits of bacon and you have yourself a wonderfully hearty meal. 

cheese toast

dinner tonight


Curry Zucchini Soup

makes about 8 servings

  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • 7 large zucchini cut into chunks
  • 1-quart chicken stock
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup melted butter mixed thoroughly with 1/4 cup of flour
  • salt & pepper

In a large pot, saute onion in olive oil until transparent. Add thyme and chopped zucchini. Cook until soft. Add curry powder, cream & stock. Bring to a boil; add butter & flour mixture. Reduce heat and simmer soup for 15 minutes. Puree soup in blender or use an immersion blender.  Season with salt & pepper to taste.


October 14, 2007

another weekend has passed….

This weekend I:

drank some coffee with my hubby:

coffee & pearls

caught up on my catalogs:

i love clothes

had a good friend sleepover & this is the breakfast i made for us this morning:

sunday morning breakfast with livia & casey

reorganized craft room & hung more stuff up on the walls:

did some desk/office organizing

found some prettie flowers blooming in the front yard:

flowers in the front are kinda blooming

decided not to rake leaves:

walking thru the leaves

-went to a birthday party (neighbor turned 10) Met some new neighbors & saw the most amazing apple tree

-trimmed the roses in the back yard

-went to target & whole foods

-made a yummy dinner of salmon, roasted yams, roasted delicata squash & a green salad with almond slices and avocados

-watched Knocked Up (again, cuz my friend hadn’t seen it)

– bought the latest issue of Donna Hay

-went to Daiso with a friend & bought some cute stuff

-thought about watercoloring

-put together b-day prezzies for friends

….contemplating doing the NaBloPoMo next month…..

October 10, 2007

i heart passion fruit

When we went to Funchal– Portugal we rode on a bus to the market to check out the local produce. We went off on our own and found this man who was selling these wonderful passion fruits. I had no idea there were soo many different types. There were some that tasted like bananas and others that tasted like pineapple. We sampled a few and HAD to have some. 3 minutes later….we walked away with a huge bag full of them. We cut them open later on to find that they weren’t as sweet as the samples the guy gave us. I figured he put sugar on them so they would taste ripe. Oh well! They weren’t the cheapest fruit I’ve ever had. But, the high sticker price was worth it. I would not have these photos if we didn’t have that experience. Adding sugar made them yummy.

my favorite passion fruit


passion fruits we picked up at the market added a bit of sugar on top mix that with a little bit of rum banana passionfruit

if you can’t find passion fruit BUT you have a local Trader Joes near you- try their Passion Fruit- Fruit Leathers. They are SOOO good! The seeds are the best part.