I’d like to think that if there was a Youtube video of me frying these Brussels sprouts, it would have great potential of going viral.
Imagine a short clip of me trying to take pictures of this recipe in my kitchen. You’d see me set the camera down and then slowly place Brussels sprouts in the hot bubbling oil. You’d immediately laugh at the look on my face when I realize sprouts are prone to making the oil splatter ALL OVER MY KITCHEN. I shout out a few expletives and then I do some stealthy maneuver into my kitchen island to get the oil splatter shield. Then I run like a maniac into the pantry to grab my apron while slipping on the oily kitchen floor. In the last few seconds of the video, I step back, watch the frying process and laugh at myself for this absolutely ridiculous moment. It’s really a shame that this video doesn’t exist. It really could have been the next Chocolate Rain.
Say hello to one of the best things that came out of my kitchen in 2011. I know that’s kind of a bold claim, but I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so smitten with something I’ve made. I’ve ordered fried Brussels sprouts in restaurants several times, but never thought to make them on my own. No longer will I be shelling out $8-10 for a teeny side dish of Brussels sprouts. Nope! The sweet/spicy citrus dressing on this sprouts is TO DIE for! The outside of the sprouts are crunchy while the insides are super tender. If Casey wasn’t home when I made them, I could have easily polished off this entire batch. Truth!
From this point forward, we will be referring to the Brussels sprouts as b-sprouts.
Wash those b-sprouts!
Say hello to the flavor makers. Hello, flavor makers!
Trim the ends and quarter the b-sprouts.
Make the dressing.
Add the lime in. Done!
Heat up the oil. Add a b-sprout leaf in the oil test how hot it is. Slowly place the b-sprouts in.
Top with your splatter guard. Don’t take picture of this process. It’s dangerous.
I risked my life to take this picture. Haha. Not really. Well, kinda.
Place the fried b-sprouts on a paper towel lined plate. Fry in 3 batches.
After you drained the b-sprouts, place them in a bowl and toss them with dressing.
Ahhh yeah. Look at those b-sprouts.
Let the fun begin!
You’ll see why I almost ate the whole batch…
Crispy Fried Brussels Sprouts

Serves 2 to 4
(recipe slightly adapted from Food52)
- 1 pound Brussels sprouts
- 1 tablespoon sriracha
- 3 tablespoons honey
- Juice of 1 large lime
- kosher salt
- vegetable oil for frying
Trim the ends of the sprouts and cut them into quarters.
In a small bowl, mix the sriracha, honey and lime juice together and set aside.
Fill a large heavy pot with about 2 inches of oil. Heat pot over medium heat. To test the heat, add a Brussels sprout leaf into the oil and it should crisp and sizzle immediately. Fry the sprouts in three batches, making sure to use a screen to protect you from the oil splattering. Cook the sprouts for 30 seconds to about 1 1/2 minutes or until sprouts are nicely browned. Drain fried sprouts on paper towels and continuing frying the rest of the batch. Once the sprouts are fried, toss them in a bowl with salt to taste. Drizzle half of the dressing over the the Brussels sprouts and gently stir. Add more if necessary. Serve immediately.