There are certain words my fingers cannot type properly. I know how to spell nuggets but my fingers for some reason type out nuggest. I just had to manually type that because my computer wanted to autocorrect. You’re right computer. It’s nuggets. I also can’t type the word pumpkin without a g at the end. Pumpking Pie is my favorite pie. See?
Other words I have a problem with:
apart, you’re, thorough
The brain doesn’t connect with the fingers sometimes. Especially when I’m hungry.
My friend Heather just came out with a spectacular cookbook called Pure Delicious. Not only are the pictures beautiful, but all the of the recipes are allergen free! That means there are over 150 recipes and not one of them contains gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish or cane sugar. Bam! Heather knows what’s up!
First recipe I wanted to try was these Crispy Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets. I typed nuggest again. UGH. The recipe says it serves 2-4 and in my house it served 2. They’re crispy, crunchy, tender and super tasty with the honey mustard/poppy seed dipping sauce. By the end, I squirted some hot sauce on top because that’s how we do. This is definitely going in the rotation….and next time I’m gonna figure out a way to turn the nuggs (new word that I didn’t misspell-at least I don’t think) into crispy “hot wing” bites.
Let’s gather our ingredients:
First we start with the honey mustard dip.
Honey + dijon are heated in a little pan. Coconut cream is added.
This makes it kinda creamy!
Poppy seeds are added and then we have dipping sauce! Set aside.
Gluten free beer (tell me what you favorite is if you are GF! I’m still learning) and the rice flour mixture.
The onion powder is what makes it resemble a Mc Donald’s chicken nugg.
Beer batter.
Let’s let it sit for a bit in the fridge.
Batter + chicken
I tossed all the chicken in there.
Mix it up.
Get a candy thermometer out. We’re going to always make sure that our temp is at 375F for maximum frying goodness.
My life was risked taking this photo. (dramatic)
They get so crispy! Like..you can actually hear a crunch when you bite into one.
I took this picture just so you know that I am a messy cook.
Welcome to my world.
And looooook what we have here.
Let’s just eat off the serving plate.
Who needs plates??!
serves 2-4
recipe from Pure Delicious
for the dipping sauce:
- 1/4 cup dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut cream
- 1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds
for the chicken nuggets
- 1 1/2 cups rice flour
- 2 teaspoons onion powder
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt
- 1 12 oz. bottle gluten free beer or pale ale
- vegetable oil for frying
- 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 2 inch chunks
To make dipping sauce:
In a small saucepan, which together the mustard and honey over medium heat until smooth and hot. Remove from the heat and whisk in the coconut cream. Season to taste with salt, then wish in poppy seeds. Set aside.
To make the nuggets:
In a medium bowl, whisk together the rice flour, onion powder, cayenne and salt. Pour in the beer and mix to make a smooth, pasty batter. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Pour the vegetable oil into a large heavy pot. Bring the oil up to 375F.
Dip the chicken chunks into the batter one at a time, coating them thickly. Quickly and gently lower the chicken chunks into the hot oil. Fry about 5 chunks of chicken at a time, adjusting the heat so that the oil doesn’t dip below 375F.
Cook the chicken nuggets, stirring and turning them often, until they are a deep golden brown, about 5 minutes. Use a spider strainer or a slotted spoon to transfer them to a paper towel to drain. Sprinkle lightly with salt.
Repeat the process with the remaining chicken. You can keep the nuggets hot in the oven at 250F. Serve hot, with dipping sauces.