Intentions for the Week- Week 22 of 2020
Happy Monday, friends!
It’s Memorial Day weekend for us and then this is Cooper’s last week of school and WHO KNOWS WHAT THE SUMMER IS GOING TO BE LIKE. We spent the weekend social distancing with friends. Hung out at a pool. My friend came over and we did art together at a distance and then we had a BBQ outside with my family. It’s amazing how much we take socializing for granted. It’s just so weird to be so far apart and not embrace. Let’s sit down and figure out what’s going on this week. Here are my Intentions for the Week!
Intentions this Week:
- clean the house
- vac stairs
- work in my Currently Workbook
- package/ship food journals The Handwriting Club
- track my steps on my fitbit
- start Ozark! (FINALLY)
- make bread
- send snail mail to friends
- clean out fridge
- catch up on writing
- catch up on social media
- laundry
- rest my back/stretch
- go for a walk with my family
- keep Cooper on track with school
- continue my #100dayproject
- track what I eat in my food journal this week
- facetime with friends
- do some meal prep/cleanout fridge
- continue clearing out paper piles
- delete photos & videos on phone
- make a grocery list/grocery shop
- finish printable projects/post
- ask for help when I need it
- catch up on social media
- drink enough water
- pull cards
and write in my sketchbook
- paint my nails
- work on a new recipe
- water indoor plants
- work in the yard
- edit photos
- catch up on bookkeeping
- grill something on the BBQ
- make artwork for post
- build some time in to meditate
- carve out time to do some art
- get good sleep
- take good care of myself
Last Week’s Intentions:
- S
TAY HEALTHY work in my Currently Workbookpackage/ship food journals The Handwriting Clubtrack my steps on my fitbit- start Ozark! (FINALLY)
MOVE MY BODY- make bread
clean out fridgecatch up on writingcatch up on social medialaundry- take a bath
rest my back/stretchgo for a walk with my familykeep Cooper on track with schoolcontinue my #100dayproject- track what I eat in my food journal this week
facetime with friends- do some meal prep/cleanout fridge
therapy (doing a remote session!)continue clearing out paper pilesdelete photos & videos on phonework on pinterest thingmake a grocery listkeep calmfollow up with photoshootorganize stuff on dining room tabletake deep breaths- finish printable projects/post
ask for help when I need itcatch up on social mediadrink enough waterpull cardsand write in my sketchbook
paint my nails- work on a new recipe
water indoor plantswork in the yardedit photosmake artwork for postbuild some time in to meditatecarve out time to do some artget good sleeptake good care of myself
Recipes to Try:
Boozy Cherry Slushies
Cherry Pie Crumble Bars
Muffuletta Pizza
Honey Sriracha Grilled Bacon
Spinach & Egg Breakfast Sandwich
Mediterranean Pasta Salad
Mint Iced Tea
If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see your creations!
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the week!
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action.
I’m rooting for you!
Sending sparkles,