October 30, 2019

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Intentions for the Week- Week 44

Here’s what Week 44 looked like last year.

Hello Friends!

It’s been a week and it’s only Wednesday! I’m sorry for the delay in posting. We spent Saturday night to Tuesday night we no power & crappy cell reception at my house. Didn’t have charge on my laptop or wifi but I did have my imagination and positive thoughts to get me through some pretty dark times so YAY.  It kinda felt like camping— but at home.  My Intentions for the Week have shifted quite a bit with this interuption.  I’m trying to roll with it!

School was closed for two days so we spent time at home making art and prepping for the dark evenings.


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No power means IMAGINATION ACTIVATION. Here’s what we worked on yesterday…..a little tale about my kombucha obsession. (There’s a tutorial on my blog!)✨🖊

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I kept this in mind:


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It is! #apeptalkforwhenyouneedone

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And instead of typing up my list here on Sunday night like I do every week, I made a video of how I set up my moleskine calendar for the week.

I usually write in it while I’m typing up these Intentions for the Week lists.


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Living that analog life with no power here in California. #bujo

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I focused on what I could control during the power outage- MY OWN THOUGHTS.

So here I am, a few days late with a completely different TO DO list than I would have typed up a few days ago. I have a lot of clean up to do. We have a lot of food in our fridge that went bad so I am going to set out a big block of time to clean out our fridge/freezers and start FRESH. Here are my Intentions for the Week!

Intentions for the Week:

  • catch up on laundry (SO MUCH!)
  • clean up the house 
  • clean out freezer x 2  clean out fridge x 1
  • go grocery shopping 
  • have a date with my calendar
  • catch up on emails
  • package/ship orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)
  • start thinking about holiday card photos
  • make a list on how to entertain ourselves without power
  • doc appt
  • workout x 3
  • drink enough water
  • eat some salads (no power means no salads!)
  • track my steps with my fitbit
  • work on presentation 
  • send thank you notes
  • try not to freak out
  • fix garbage disposal
  • finish post about Equus Workshop
  • learn how to draw a horse
  • reflect on October in my Currently Workbook
  • take pictures of new products for The Handwriting Club
  • take pictures of the Currently Workbook for 2020
  • straighten up the yard/prep/leaf blow
  • remove everything from the decks for refinishing project
  • make some art
  • take deep breaths
  • protect my lungs
  • clean off paper piles in office
  • work on birthday package for E
  • research posters/prints
  • find a new phone case 
  • buy more spray paint
  • work on the cabinet project


Recipes to Try:

Turmeric Hot Toddy

(can be made without alcohol too!) 

Applesauce “Oatmeal”

Gluten Free Blueberry Waffles

Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bars

Pizza Rolls

Pumpkin Gingersnap Ice Cream Cake

Pump Jam for the Week:

That song has been keeping me praying this week!

Mantra for the week!

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable to action.

I’m rooting for you!

Sending sparkles, 



  • Sina

    Dear Tracy,
    that time lapse of you writing your intentions in your bullet journal is wonderful! It made me think about how the writing process shows the thinking process. I would love to see other people’s writing in progress – how we are different or alike in writing our lists and plans… That would be so interesting to see.

    All the best to you and those around you. Be safe!

  • Kristen Solecki

    Thinking of you and your family!

    Something that might spark creativity while you have no power:
    Have you read Lynda Barry’s books? I am finishing “Syllabus.” They are truly incredible and seem they would be up your alley:)

  • Melanie

    This was one of the longest weeks ever. We kept power but left town to get away from the fire. Everyone is so stressed from the potential loss of power, losing power for multiple days, evacuations… it’s nuts. I’m right there with you in “try not to freak out”.

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