Intentions for the Week- Week 24 in 2021
Happy Monday, friends!
We have made it to week 24 of 2021. Can you believe that? We’re almost halfway done with this year. This weekend we worked in the Snack Shack. We did some stuff around the house and relaxed. I made a few things to clean out the fridge (yay for light meal prep!). School is out for Summer! I have myself a future 7TH GRADER NOW. Can you believe that? Today is our first Monday of Summer break. Let’s take a moment and write down our Intentions for the Week! Here’s what I want to accomplish:
Intentions for the Week:
- track what I eat in my food journal this week
- fill out my Intentions for the Week printable
- submit my Imperfect produce order
- track my steps on my fitbit
- change my fitbit band
- homework for the Muse workshop
- conserve water
- submit invoice
- post my Summer Bucket List
- return order from banana republic
- make plans with brother & niece
- finish labeling plants/making labels
- find library book
- keep Cooper occupied during the day.
- take out compost
- weed whack hill- rake
- drop off donations
- check pantry before grocery shopping
- clean out cereal cabinet
- plans with friends
- baseball practice
- restock snack shack
- clean out the fridge
- pack/ship orders for The Handwriting Club
- laundry/pick up closet
- paint nails
- tweeze things
- work on binder
- make time for art
- bounce on my trampoline
- go for a few long walks
- work in my Currently Workbook
- make a grocery list/grocery shop
- make a new recipe/take photos
catch up on writing
- catch up on social media
- go to Post Office
- read horoscope
- ask for help when I need it
- pull cards
and write in my sketchbook
- water indoor plants
- work in the yard
- edit photos
- make artwork for post
- build some time in to meditate
- get good sleep
- watch how much time I spend on the phone
- find some time to read
- extra snuggles with cats
Last Week’s Intentions:
therapytrack what I eat in my food journal this weekfill out my Intentions for the Week printablesubmit my Imperfect produce ordertrack my steps on my fitbitSTAY HEALTHY- EAT HEALTHY
DRINK WATERconserve waterreturn order from GAP- make plans with brother & niece
finish labeling plants/making labelsreturn library bookssend checkfinish working on Snack Shacktake out compostweed whack hill- rake- drop off donations
check pantry before grocery shoppingclean out cereal cabinetbaseball practicebaseball gamesclean out the fridgepack/ship orders for The Handwriting Clublaundry/pick up closettweeze thingswork on bindermake time for art- bounce on my trampoline
go for a few long walkswork in my Currently Workbookmake a grocery list/grocery shopmake a new recipe/take photoscatch up on writing
catch up on social mediago to Post Officeread horoscope- ask for help when I need it
pull cardsand write in my sketchbook
water indoor plantswork in the yardedit photosmake artwork for postbuild some time in to meditateget good sleepwatch how much time I spend on the phonefind some time to readextra snuggles with cats
Recipes to Inspire:
Italian Pressed Sandwiches
Turkey Lettuce Sandwiches
The Green Machine Sandwich
The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich
Grilled Turkey Meatball Subs
Zucchini Parmesan Sliders
Greek Lamb Sliders
If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see your creations!
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the week!
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action.
My Intentions for the Week Printable helps!
And if you want to check in with yourself throughout the day, try using my food journal!
I hope you have a great/productive week!