June 10, 2024

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 24 in 2024

Hi hiiiiii! It’s Monday! Did you have a good weekend?  Mine was busy! We had friends over for a BBQ, I hosted SELF Check In and went to West Coast Craft with friends. Since Cooper is out of school for the Summer, I didn’t do meal prep yesterday. I’ll probably do little bits of it throughout the week.  I definitely need to make some snacks!

 Here are my Intentions for the Week! 


June 9, 2024

My Everyday Life Week 23

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 23

It’s peony season at Trader Joe’s!  I should have picked some up but I was in a hurry.

My Everyday Life Week 23 - Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Still on my hash brown kick. 

My Everyday Life Week 23 - Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Glad I went for this walk 

My Everyday Life Week 23 - Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Purple blue flecks in the hills.  I LOVE IT. 

My Everyday Life Week 23 - Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


June 7, 2024


There's Magic in the Mess - I love lists // Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


  1. Which cheeses can you freeze?
  2. This photo pleases my brain.
  3. Best drone photos of 2024. 
  4. I want to try these Almond Flour Pancakes.
  5. What cities of the future could look like.
  6. How the Stay Puft Marshmallow man was made.
  7. This makes me want to pull out my watercolors.
  8. Speaking of, here are some of my favorite art supplies.
  9. Fun facts about the movie Goonies.
  10. I missed all of the auroras. 
  11. Cute bathing suits: one / two / three 
  12. The secret code of beauty spots.
  13. What’s the best jarred salsa?
  14. Is reality real?
  15. Ready for grill season? I made myself a cheat sheet.
  16. You can make an ice cream sandwich at Costco.
  17. The world’s best black sand beaches.
  18. Drumsticks aren’t real ice cream. 
  19. I loved going through the card catalog system.
  20. Weekend baking: Granola Bark 



There’s a new episode of Keep Grief Weird this week! Episode #5 Anniversaries! 

(we get silly and then talk about how we celebrate our deceased parents on their death anniversaries)

Thanks for listening, subscribe to our Substack where we post show notes and share our experiences with loss. 


Currently May 2024 - currently workbook Shutterbean

I shared my Currently Workbook pages for May on The Handwriting Club! 

June 3, 2024

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 23 in 2024

Hi hiiiiii! It’s Monday! Did you have a good weekend?  

Mine was busy with bits of relaxation mixed in.  I had an art hangout on my deck. I hosted Self-Check-In, planned for the week, and meal prepped. 


Shutterbean Meal Prep= meal prep by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This is the last week of Cooper’s freshman year. WOWWWWWW. 

 Here are my Intentions for the Week! 


June 2, 2024

My Everyday Life Week 22

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 22

Doing the dang thing with my monthly planner template!  

My Everyday Life Week 22 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Fell on the floor. 

My Everyday Life Week 22 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Play dates! 

My Everyday Life Week 22 of 2024- Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


May 31, 2024


Follow your joy! I love lists art by Tracy Benjamin - #hobonichi #hobonichicousin


  1. Let’s read some traveling hacks. 
  2. How Apple torture tests its iPhones. 
  3. There’s a new American cheese on the market. 
  4. Ways you can customize your Google calendar. 
  5. Why is a hamburger called a hamburger? 
  6. The Dos and Don’ts of Trader Joe’s Parking lot.
  7. I love love LOVE 1950s dresses. 
  8. What are the best mystery movies of all time?
  9. These book sculptures! 
  10. Read the fine print. 
  11. I want a maritime fort.
  12.  Who at Taco Bell thought this was a good idea?
  13. What’s in imitation crab? 
  14. Trader Joe’s new products from the Summer.
  15. This avocado slicing technique! 
  16. A brief history of ice cream. 
  17. An interesting perspective on the future of Ozempic.
  18. Pretty nail stickers  one/two/three/four
  19. Weekend project- clean out junk drawer! 
  20. Shop: all my amazon favorites!


Keep Grief Weird! Podcast with Tracy Benjamin and Dr. MC McDonald about GRIEF! https://keepgriefweird.substack.com/

New podcast alert! 

Episode #4 of Keep Grief Weird- THE FIRST YEARMC and I talk about our first year of grief!  You have to remap your entire life after loss and it’s exhausting.  Listen wherever you gets podcasts and subscribe to our Substack! 

Did you know that I started a youtube channel— The Handwriting Club 


Here are my May pages in my Currently Workbook. I’ll be sharing more on my Substack this weekend. 

May 27, 2024

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 22 in 2024

Hi hiiiiii! It’s Monday! Did you have a good weekend?  

Casey came home! He was gone for 13 days for work and WHEW! I am so glad to have him back. He and Cooper headed to a baseball scrimmage and I had the house to myself. I did a bunch of cleaning, had an art date on the deck, did some gardening, took a hike, hosted Self-Check-In, and relaxed. The school year is winding down and OH BOY it’s about to get real crazy. I didn’t do meal prep this week. Hopefully, I can fit some in tomorrow. 

 Here are my Intentions for the Week!