I did a Pinterest search for Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes to see what kinds of images inspire people to eat buckwheat pancakes. Newsflash: they’re not the most photogenic food to photograph. They’re all these beautiful shots of 4+ stacks of pancakes, topped with fresh blueberries, all swimming in maple syrup.
Mine? These are them and they are my current hyper-fixation food. For the past few months, I have eaten two medium-sized pancakes every day for breakfast with butter and apricot jam for three days straight. Then I take a break and have my Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich until I run out of ingredients and switch it up to the pancakes again.
They’re great with butter and maple syrup, peanut butter & jam or just loaded with butter. If you’re looking for something satisfying, kinda nutty, and slightly sweet for breakfast, put this in your rotation!