July 2, 2023

My Everyday Life Week 26

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 26

Getting back on track with writing in my Intentions for the Week planner. May was so thrown off by all of the events! 

I can’t believe we have made it through half of the year! 

My Everyday Life Week 26 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I have been working on my goals. 

My Everyday Life Week 26 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I have created a flossing habit. FINALLY. Writing on my bathroom mirror with a dry-erase pen has helped.


June 30, 2023


My Everyday Life Week 25 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


  1. People share rules of work in 2023.
  2. Full/Supermoon this weekend!
  3. Baseball scouts have fancy tech now.
  4. Of course she did…
  5. Coworker pranks & fun.
  6. Why cottage cheese is having a glow up.
  7. Daydreaming of working in one of these Italian kitchens.
  8. This travel journal is inspiring.
  9. What AI thinks people look like from each US state.
  10. These photos please me endlessly.
  11. The most legendary restaurants & their iconic dishes.
  12. How Wes Anderson uses miniatures to create his aesthetic. 
  13. How much is 100K Instagram followers worth to you?
  14. I love grilled eggplant.
  15. Some new things to try at Trader Joe’s. 
  16. Time travel to Yosemite in the 1930s.
  17. The past looked kinda fun.
  18. I had a dress like this in college.
  19. You can rent a Barbie house on Airbnb.
  20. My new favorite nail polish- Essie Gadget Free





June 29, 2023

Portobello Mushroom Pizzas

Portobello Mushroom Pizzas will scratch the pizza itch if you're living the low carb/gluten free lifestyle. It's made with mushrooms! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I spent all last week home alone (my guys had a baseball tournament!) and during my cooking-for-one adventure, I got hooked on Portobello Mushroom Pizzas. Cooking for one is quite a trip!  I would have experimented more with toppings with these pizzas but I made a goal to only grocery shop once last week. #introvertlife

What I have learned about cooking for one AND cooking for others while feeding myself is that

It’s always a battle of

how much energy do I have?


how much am I worth the effort?

Portobello Mushroom Pizzas will scratch the pizza itch if you're living the low carb/gluten free lifestyle. It's made with mushrooms! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Tracy a year ago would have just spent the week eating cereal for dinner while current Tracy knows the importance of nourishment. She knows she’s worth the effort and is happy this “pizza” situation requires very minimal hands-on time and scratches the pizza itch that she so desires!  The cleanup was simple too…

Portobello Mushroom Pizzas will scratch the pizza itch if you're living the low carb/gluten free lifestyle. It's made with mushrooms! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Plus there’s a crispy cheese bit involved in the process and no one complained about mushrooms. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES CRISPY CHEESE AND MUSHROOMS IN MY HOUSE! 


June 26, 2023

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 26 in 2023

Happy Monday, friends!

My boys are back from a baseball tournament. I had about 4 days to myself last week, home alone and it was divine! It was nice to be able to cook for one for a bit. I ate more vegetables than I have in a while. I’m glad they’re back. I missed them.

 Here are my Intentions for the Week-


June 25, 2023

My Everyday Life Week 25

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 25

This week I tackled a my office paper pile. 

My Everyday Life Week 25 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

So many buried treasures in there. 

My Everyday Life Week 25 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Sorting ground. 

My Everyday Life Week 25 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


June 23, 2023



Change Happens - I love list - Shutterbean.com


  1. Abandoned places in Sardinia. 
  2. The best hot weather workouts. 
  3. You can make waffles with Jiffy Mix.
  4. Restaurants to check out in SF. 
  5. Collective nouns for groups of animals. 
  6. Life’s strange visual coincidences. 
  7. Tarot card deck designed by Dali.  
  8. Summer bucket list- try these doritos. 
  9. World’s Best 50 restaurants.
  10. I want to live in a black home. 
  11. Pressed Italian Sandwiches for your picnic!
  12. Two new ice cream flavors at Trader Joe’s.
  13. To make: slinky red peppers
  14. The quietly elegant backgrounds of looney tunes.
  15. The best cities to travel to with a long layover.
  16. Like polly pockets for goths.
  17. Why do we love sad movies?
  18. These butterfly murals are incredible.
  19. A collection award winning drone photos.
  20. I plan to make these blueberry muffins this weekend. 


June 21, 2023

Summer Bucket List 2023

Summer Bucket List 2023- from shutterbean.com with printable!

Summer Bucket List 2023: 

  • trip to the beach
  • read a fun book
  • bbq at the house
  • art dates on deck (and online!)
  • make a sorbet
  • new printables
  • make bouquets from garden
  • closet cleanout
  • baseball tournaments
  • take an art class

Today is Summer Solstice!  I like to keep things simple and doable. Making a rough plan of what I want to do helps me get the most out of my time.  Let’s see how much of this I can get done this summer. 

Let’s see what I’ve done in the past: