My Everyday Life Week 19

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 19

It’s Mother’s Day today which can be a tricky time if you’re grieving.  The best way to move through grief is to talk about it and share the experience with someone who understands.  After many months in the making, I am happy to share that I made a podcast with my friend MC called Keep Grief Weird

Keep Grief Weird! Podcast with Tracy Benjamin and Dr. MC McDonald about GRIEF!

You can listen to our first episode on Spotify or subscribe to our Substack, where it will be delivered to your email. Our first episode begins with my grief origin story.  I share my experience of losing my Mom on Thanksgiving and what the first year was like without her. This is just very beginning of many conversations we’ll have about being women in our 40s living our lives without our Moms (and in MC’s case, both parents).  Grief is weird and we’re here to keep it that way. 

Thanks so much for your support and for listening! If today is a hard day for you, please know you’re not alone! 


Yesterday, I picked a wildflower bouquet! 

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I did yoga up in the hills above Rodeo Beach with a group of women.

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Hi Neiley!

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Saturday adventure with a pack of ladies! 

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Nature amazes. 

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We had a brunch at the beach. 

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I forgot how much I enjoy blue cheese on a salad. 

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It was a very foggy day. 

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Got to see my boo boo, Walter!! 

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Millionaire bacon for my boy. 

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He spent 18 hours in my bed the other day. WHAT A LIFE! 

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Proof that my kitchen was clean earlier this week. 

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Embarrassing my child while he works out. 

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A reminder I wrote for us in my Intentions for the Week Planner.

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Just me and my weed wacker over here. 

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Baseball season ended with a banquet! 

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My child is now a golfer. 

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DANGER!  Tracy is wearing heels. 

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Reflections in my coffee at my desk.

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Sometimes it’s just easier to use the yogurt container rather than use a bowl. 

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Tuna salad- I made a video about it. 

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I am on a frittata kick right now.  This one has sausage in it. 

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Cashew chicken for the win! 

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Burger salad and tots. My mustard looks like a signature. 

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I forgot that like tomatoes. 

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Lunch with Reese at Souvla! 

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Pencil testing! 

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Coworking with MC! 

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Perma stink eye from this one. 

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Past Tracy would be proud of current Tracy’s gardening prowess. 

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Found this cute little nest on my deck. I hope it didn’t mean there were babies misplaced. 

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Sometimes you need a mug cake. 

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Pretty Mother’s Day flowers from my Dad and Tina. 

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I love it when people share pictures of my packages from my Etsy shop! 

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Week 19 in 2023 

Week 19 in 2022

Week 19 in 2021

Week 19 in 2020

Week 19 in 2019

Week 19 in 2018

Week 19 in 2017

Week 19 in 2016

Week 20 in 2015

Week 20 in 2014

Week 20 in 2013

Week 20 in 2012

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