Happy Monday, friends!
Another week ahead of us. It’s Valentine’s Day this week. That means you can eat all the chocolate you want, right? I have a batch of brownies on our counter for my boys. Mama knows the way to their hearts. I finally cleaned out my car yesterday after I did meal prep and I’m so HAPPY. Now I just need to wait for it to stop raining to clean the outside but there’s so much pollen around here right now, what’s the point?
Speaking of meal prep…
Meal Prep this week:
- meatballs (a riff on these turkey meatballs)
- pita chips
- carrot coconut soup
- cooked chicken breast
- hard boiled eggs
- chopped vegetables + washed lettuce
- zucchini noodles – for this recipe!
- Persian frittata
- gluten-free brownies
- chopped up a bunch of garlic ahead of time in my mini food processor
- corn muffins (from a mix!)
I think we might have some baked spaghetti and Thai basil beef in our week too.
If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to start, make yourself your own Intentions for the Week list! Here are mine:
Intentions for the Week:
- finish up laundry
- write down what I eat in food journal
- ship out more food journals! (THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERS!)
- keep on top of my life with my bullet journal
- make valentine’s with Cooper
- make new recipes for the blog
- edit photos
- prep for a conference call
- clean out freezer
- continue working through paper piles
- trip to library
- trip to the post office
- manicure/pedicure
- do a face mask (this one is my favorite
- research rug for laundry area
- work out/yoga
- drink enough water (this helps)
- keep tracking steps with my Fitbit One
- pull cards
and work in sketchbook
- play around with new camera
- continue working on tax prep
- catch up on social media
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundrytackle my inboxedit photos for clientdrink waterwrite down what I eat in food journalship out more food journals!keep on top of my life with my bullet journaldoctor’s appointmenttrip to Targetcatch up on social mediadrop off donationsgather supplies for candy making for Valentine’s Day- have a smoothie bowl sometime this week
figure out Valentine’s Day plans- paint nails
deep clean bathroomsbookkeeping/tax prep- exercise 3 times (worked out twice)
- send 2 packages (sent 1)
keep tracking steps with my Fitbit Onepull cardsand work in sketchbook
vacuum carbreak down boxesplay around with new camerawork in the garden if I have timesee Ina Garten at the Marin Civic Center!
If you need some Valentine’s Inspiration:
Chocolate Lollipops
Carrying on my Mom’s tradition! We’re making chocolate lollipops for classmates.
Ladies Craft Night- Valentine’s Day Edition.
My version of Galentine’s day. I can’t believe I just typed that word. lol
Heart Shaped Cinnamon Tortilla Chips
I made these for Cooper’s class one year. We packaged them up with our Valentine’s. They’re so easy to make if you need to use up flour tortillas.
Simple Valentine’s Day Ideas
I put together a list of some cute/simple ideas to celebrate LOVE with your loved ones.
Mantra for the Week:
Pump Jam for the Week:
Remember that song??
Have a great week! Don’t forget to take good care of yourself. I’m rooting for you!