Intentions for the Week- Week 7 of 2020
Hi Friends!
It’s MONDAY. Let’s get into it. Our weekend included basketball and baseball. I also did a ton of housework and meal prep!
Here’s what I’m starting the week with:
Meal Prep this Week Includes:
- Iced tea
- turkey burgers (recipe soon!)
- washed lettuce
- polenta cornbread (turned into muffins!)
- carrots
- pasta sauce (like from baked spaghetti)
- croutons
- applesauce
- killer granola
- rice
- lemon ginger elixir
I’m glad to have some healthy things in the fridge to start the week with.
Now it’s time to get down my Intentions for the Week!
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundrymammogram appointmenttherapy appointmentsit down with my calendar and planpackage/ship food journals The Handwriting Clubtrack what I eat in my food journal this weekcatch up on social mediadrink enough water (this lid for a mason jar helps!)
check in with private facebook group for Currently 2020 Workbookpost January’s entry for my Currently 2020 Workbookcontinue not eating dairy, gluten & drinking alcoholpull cardsand write in my sketchbook
track my steps with my Fitbitgrocery shoppinghand-lettering project due for new clientpaint nailsbookkeeping work/tax stuff- new print for Etsy
water plants- research flights
make new recipeedit photosclean up office areawork on giveawaymake artwork for postgo to the libraryworkout x 3(worked out twice)work in the gardenbuild some time in to meditate
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- therapy appointment
- sit down with my calendar and plan
- package/ship food journals The Handwriting Club
- track what I eat in my food journal this week
- catch up on social media
- drink enough water (this lid for a mason jar helps!
- continue not eating dairy, gluten & drinking alcohol
- pull cards
and write in my sketchbook
- track my steps with my Fitbit
- grocery shopping
- celebrate Valentine’s Day
- make Valentine’s cards with Cooper
- paint nails
- finish hose project
- work in my sketchbook
- upload stuff for client
- clean up my bedroom closet
- post smoothie recipe
- work on turkey burger recipe
- bookkeeping work/tax stuff
- new print for Etsy
- water plants
- research flights
- make new recipe
- edit photos
- work on giveaway
- make artwork for post
- drop off library books
- workout x 3
- work in the garden
- build some time in to meditate
- take good care of myself
Recipes to Try:
Baked Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Thai Basil Tofu
Thai Beef with Basil
Lemon Garlic Roasted Shrimp
Chocolate Lollipops
Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes
Bittersweet Chocolate Malted Milkshakes
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the Week:
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable to action.
I’m rooting for you!
Sending sparkles,